MarIus 440: Contract models in a common Nordic electricity retail market

Nordic countries, pointing out that implementation is likely to require a number of amendments to existing national statutory requirements, a thorough review and revision of existing national agreements, and it should be carefully scrutinized under EU Law.

The objective of this article is to analyse how customers’ contracts with suppliers and DSO's could be arranged within a harmonized Nordic end user market based on a supplier centric model with mandatory combined billing.

The authors have analyzed two overall categories of contract models which may be applied for the implementation of a supplier centric model with mandatory combined billing: the subcontractor model and the power of attorney model.

The article concludes in favour of exploring the subcontractor model further with a view to possible implementation in the Nordic countries, pointing out that implementation is likely to require a number of amendments to existing national statutory requirements, a thorough review and revision of existing national agreements, and it should be carefully scrutinized under EU law.

The authors

Henrik Bjørnebye and Ivar Alvik are associate professors at the Scandinavian Institute of Maritime Law, Department of Petroleum and Energy Law.

MarIus 440

Contract models in a common Nordic electricity retail market. 2014.

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Published Jan. 23, 2015 2:01 PM - Last modified Nov. 19, 2021 2:00 PM