Guidelines for authors

When your manuscript is accepted by the editor, we expect your text to be complete and proofread.

Please observe the following:

We use a fixed template for all editions of MarIus. The template marks shifts between paragraphs only with indentations, no space between lines. If, because of this, you want the text to appear with more space, you may wish to split the text into additional paragraphs, subchapters or subtitles, etc. - and please do so before delivering your manuscript.


If you wish to write a preface to your article, please insert it into your manuscript, or notify us that you intend to enclose it with your comments to the first proof.

Please use the faculty template for master theses or similar, see templates and user guides

References and citations should be formatted like the example below:

Andenæs, Johs. Statsforfatningen i Norge. 8. utg. Oslo, 1998.
Falkanger, Thor og Hans Jacob Bull Innføring i sjørett. 6. utg. Oslo, 2004.
Huser, Kristian Gjeldsforhandling og konkurs. Bind 3: Omstøtelse. Bergen, 1992.
Arnesen, Finn. The EEA Agreement and the activities off-shore. I: Simply 2010: Scandinavian Institute of Maritime Law yearbook s. 17-26. Oslo, 2011.

See also Write and cite. Here you will also find instructions for footnotes, citations etc.

If you want to put references/quotations in columns, please use table, not tab or space bar.


  • please check that hyperlinks are active
  • underlined text is only for hyperlinks. If you want to emphasize text, please use types in bold.
  • please enclose whatever illustrations you may have in original format or PDF. Remember that they will be printed on pages in A-5 size.

Thank you for going thoroughly through your manuscript before sending it to us!
This will save time and cost when making MarIus/SIMPLY ready for print.

Published Mar. 26, 2014 4:47 PM - Last modified Feb. 26, 2018 2:38 PM