Publikasjonar - Side 3

Publisert 23. mai 2018 11:31

En analyse av politikk og regelverk i Europa.

Redaktører: Eléonore Maitre-Ekern, Carl Dalhammar og Hans Christian Bugge.

Med kapitler av: Beate Sjåfjell, Erling Eide og Nertila Kuraj.

(Originaltittel: Preventing Environmental Damage from Products. An analysis of the Policy and Regulatory Frameworks in Europe).

Published Nov. 28, 2017 1:09 PM

This volume includes chapters on “EU Energy and Climate Law – Policy and Jurisprudence”, “Energy and Climate Treaty Developments”, “Energy Infrastructure Developments: Offshore Electricity Systems and Network Investments”, “Heat Supply Legislation in the EU” and “Security of Energy Supply and Safety”.

Publisert 28. nov. 2017 13:03

This volume includes chapters on “EU Energy and Climate Law – Policy and Jurisprudence”, “Energy and Climate Treaty Developments”, “Energy Infrastructure Developments: Offshore Electricity Systems and Network Investments”, “Heat Supply Legislation in the EU” and “Security of Energy Supply and Safety”.


Editors: Martha M. Roggenkamp, Catherine Banet

Published May 23, 2017 3:48 PM

The book will be of interest to insurance companies, ship owners, average adjusters and lawyers working with marine insurance questions. It may also be of interest to students and academics within the field of insurance law.