Aktuelle saker - Side 18

Publisert 18. juni 2018 15:45

Som kjent skal Johaug-saken behandles i NIFs domsutvalg førstkommende onsdag til fredag. Påtalenemnda har innstilt på 14 måneders utestengelse, mens Johaugs advokat har varslet påstand om frifinnelse. 

Publisert 23. mai 2018 11:31

En analyse av politikk og regelverk i Europa.

Redaktører: Eléonore Maitre-Ekern, Carl Dalhammar og Hans Christian Bugge.

Med kapitler av: Beate Sjåfjell, Erling Eide og Nertila Kuraj.

(Originaltittel: Preventing Environmental Damage from Products. An analysis of the Policy and Regulatory Frameworks in Europe).

Published Nov. 28, 2017 1:09 PM

This volume includes chapters on “EU Energy and Climate Law – Policy and Jurisprudence”, “Energy and Climate Treaty Developments”, “Energy Infrastructure Developments: Offshore Electricity Systems and Network Investments”, “Heat Supply Legislation in the EU” and “Security of Energy Supply and Safety”.

Publisert 28. nov. 2017 13:03

This volume includes chapters on “EU Energy and Climate Law – Policy and Jurisprudence”, “Energy and Climate Treaty Developments”, “Energy Infrastructure Developments: Offshore Electricity Systems and Network Investments”, “Heat Supply Legislation in the EU” and “Security of Energy Supply and Safety”.


Editors: Martha M. Roggenkamp, Catherine Banet