Algorithms in Law Enforcement

Machine learning, pattern recognition and digital data practices are increasingly commonplace in Law Enforcement. This presentation gives a general orientation about the rise of digital tools in law enforcement. Based on an extensive study of predictive policing software, it also argues that these tools have their own politics.

Bildet kan inneholde: jobb, ingeniør, programvareteknikk, arbeid, luftfartsteknologi.

Machine learning, pattern recognition and digital data practices are increasingly commonplace in Law Enforcement. Photo: Shutterstock

Mareile Kaufmann explains how algorithms and related digital practices are part of 
shaping societal, political and scientific visions and visibilities.

She documents how the increasing digitization of law enforcement influences which phenomena are registered, how they are analyzed and made sense of. In that context, she contrasts the tools' potential for efficient and effective law enforcement with some of the issues around digital literacies and the politics of patterns.

Publisert 17. des. 2019 12:47 - Sist endret 13. jan. 2020 14:46