Tidligere arrangementer - Side 52

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Europarettslunsj med innledning fra Annichen Kongsvik Sæteren, stipendiat ved Nordisk institutt for sjørett.

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Master of Administration and Organization Theory Martin Nøkleberg will give a trial lecture for the degree of Ph.D on a prescribed topic, entitled: Security as Necessary Evil? The local disruption of global transport flows: a Norwegian perspective

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Master i rettsvitenskap Irina Fodchenko ved Nordisk institutt for sjørett vil forsvare sin avhandling for graden Ph.d: Legal Framework for Offshore Petroleum Operations in the Barents Arctic

Tid og sted: , Zoom Webinar

PhD candidate Julius Rumpf at the Scandinavian Institute of Maritime Law is presenting his PhD project for midway assessment. 

You may attend by signing up for this webinar, please click the Zoom link below

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Stipendiat Julius Rumpf ved Nordisk institutt for sjørett presenterer sitt doktorgradsprosjekt. 

Interesserte kan bivåne foregdraget ved å registrere seg til webinaret gjennom Zoom-lenken.


Mykolas Romeris University and Supreme Court of Lithuania cordially invites you to the International Conference International Experiences and Advanced Practices of the Selection, Evaluation and Promotion of Judges.


Mykolas Romeris University and Supreme Court of Lithuania cordially invites you to the International Conference International Experiences and Advanced Practices of the Selection, Evaluation and Promotion of Judges.

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With Associate Professor Yurika ISHII, National Defence Academy of Japan.

Tid og sted: , Digital webinar

In this digital webinar hosted by GOODPOL, Simone Chambers will discuss the new-authoritarians' attack on the public sphere.

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Welcome to our lunch seminar with presentation by Elsabe Boshoff, PhD Candidate at Norwegian Centre for Human Rights, University of Oslo.

Open for all interested. Please register your participation below.


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Europarettslunsj med innledning fra Hans Petter Graver, professor ved Institutt for privatrett.


Mykolas Romeris University and Supreme Court of Lithuania cordially invites you to the International Conference International Experiences and Advanced Practices of the Selection, Evaluation and Promotion of Judges.


Mykolas Romeris University and Supreme Court of Lithuania cordially invites you to the International Conference International Experiences and Advanced Practices of the Selection, Evaluation and Promotion of Judges.

Tid og sted: , Digital webinar

In this digital webinar organized by GOODPOL, Samantha Besson discusses what the good government standard could and should mean in international law today.

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Join us for a digital Tuesday coffee seminar with Ragnhild Bassøe Gundersen from Department of Informatics - UiO!

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Innledninger ved forsker Gunnveig Grødeland fra Institutt for klinisk medisin, UiO, og førsteamanuensis Anne Kjersti Befring, IOR.

Instituttleder Inger Johanne Sand er ordstyrer.  

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The theme of the sixth international workshop of Daughters of Themis: International Network of Female Business Scholars, is the highly topical theme of ‘Contemporary Theories in Corporate Law and Corporate Governance’. The aim of the annual workshop is to provide a forum for open, intimate and inspiring discussions with workshop participants selected based on a highly competitive call for papers.

Tid og sted: , Digital webinar

In this digital webinar organized by GOODPOL,  Keith Dowding discusses moral expertise and the role of the moral expert.

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Oslo Senter for Kommersiell Rett, Arena for forbrukerrett sparker i gang "Forbrukerrettsfredag". Ca. en fredag hver måned inviterer vi til faglunsj om aktuelle forbrukerrettslige temaer. Inntil videre avholdes arrangementene digitalt på zoom. Det er gratis å delta og alle er velkomne.

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Fakultetsseminar om Høyesteretts kjennelse i ACER-saken og betenkning om Jernbanepakke 4.