Nettsider med emneord «Rule of Law» - Side 2

Publisert 9. sep. 2021 08:51
Image may contain: Red, Text, Font.
Publisert 13. nov. 2020 12:42

Together with the Asia-Europe Foundation NCHR organised an online training on investigative interviewing during the months of September and October. 

UN Human Rights Council illustration photo (Photo: UiO)
Publisert 7. apr. 2021 13:10

Two recent endorsements of the initiative to develop principles on effective interviewing underscore the demand for positive and practical guidance for the law enforcement and security sector.

Participants outside the National Police Academy in Islamabad on 29th March 2022. 
Publisert 7. apr. 2022 10:03

Together with the UN Office on Drugs and Crimes (UNODC) and Pakistani and Nigerian national police NCHR held two separate pilot testing events in Islamabad and Abuja last week.

Bildet kan inneholde: tekst, font.
Publisert 10. des. 2019 10:58

10 desember er det FNs menneskerettighetsdag. På denne dagen i 1948 ble FNs verdenserklæring om menneskerettighetene vedtatt. For bare få dager siden kom nyheten om at dobbelt så mange nordmenn er positive til dødsstraff sammenliknet med for 14 år siden.

Publisert 25. apr. 2008 10:38
A croud standing and listening to a lecture
Publisert 28. nov. 2023 15:06

How can human rights arguments be used in local, Indonesian courts? A five days human rights litigation training for Indonesian lawyers was recently organized in Jakarta, as part of NCHR’s international work on Rule of Law

Publisert 23. mars 2021 10:52

NCHR co-organises virtual event on “Improving efficiency and quality of investigations: Principles on Effective Interviewing for Investigative Authorities” as an ancillary meeting of the UNODC Crime Congress in Kyoto, Japan.

Image may contain: Clothing, Suit trousers, Glasses, Trousers, Product.
Publisert 9. juni 2022 14:14

NCHR hosts joint lecture by Professors Ray Bull and Dave Walsh on the international implementation of investigative interviewing and the assessment of its effectiveness.

Publisert 22. des. 2016 15:46

Vi arbeider for å bygge kunnskap om menneskerettigheter hos sentrale aktører i rettskjeden, som dommere og påtalemyndigheter samt politi. Nasjonale eksperter som universitetslærere og NGO-aktivister er viktige støttespillere i dette arbeidet.

Publisert 18. nov. 2020 15:39
Image may contain: Event, Academic conference, Conference hall, Public speaking, Seminar.
Publisert 14. nov. 2019 09:53

Ms. Ingebjørg Hansen from the Oslo Police shared Norwegian experiences with non-coercive Interviewing during a high-level panel at the UN Headquarters in New York.