Nettsider med emneord «KREATIV»

People sitting around a round table listening to one person who is standing.
Publisert 29. sep. 2023 20:35

Unarmed security guards at a car dealership are killed by soldiers. CCTV footage of the incident is available, and Prisoners of War (PoWs) have identified the suspect during interviews. How do you plan and prepare for the suspect interview? As the Russian full-scale invasion of Ukraine unfolds, the number of war crimes under investigation are mounting. In criminal and war crime cases, how do you identify information needs and evidence?

Image may contain: Person, Smile, Face, Footwear, Trousers.
Publisert 19. mai 2021 11:43

After almost four years NCHR together with the Association for the Prevention of Torture (APT) and the Anti-Torture Initiative (ATI) have the pleasure of unveiling the ‘Principles on Effective Interviewing for Investigations and Information Gathering’, referred to as the ‘Mendez Principles’.

Publisert 11. feb. 2021 18:55

Ambassador Mona Juul states the importance of non-coercive, human rights-compliant intel-gathering during Security Council meeting on Threats to international peace and security caused by terrorist acts. 

Image may contain: Architecture, Building, Grass, Facade, Mixed-use.
Publisert 18. mars 2020 14:12

The European Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CPT) highlights Investigative Interviewing as a paradigm shift in its report on "Preventing police torture and other forms of ill-treatment – reflections on good practices and emerging approaches". 

Image may contain: Event, Seminar, Meeting, Job, Businessperson.
Publisert 23. jan. 2020 15:33

Thailand Department of Special Investigations (DSI) is conducting a one week training in interviewing and psychology with a view to develop academy level training courses.

Bildet kan inneholde: mennesker, samfunnet, tilpasning, ungdom, begivenhet.
Publisert 20. nov. 2019 14:37

«True-crime» sjangeren har rettet offentlighetens søkelys mot feilaktige domfellelser og andre justisfeil som følge av bruken av manipulerende avhørsteknikker. «Etterforskningsintervju» (investigative interviewing) er en metode for politiavhør uten manipulasjon, utilbørlig press -  vold eller trusler om vold.

Image may contain: Event, Academic conference, Conference hall, Public speaking, Seminar.
Publisert 14. nov. 2019 09:53

Ms. Ingebjørg Hansen from the Oslo Police shared Norwegian experiences with non-coercive Interviewing during a high-level panel at the UN Headquarters in New York.

Image may contain: People, Community, Adaptation, Youth, Event.
Publisert 1. nov. 2019 13:02

NCHR becomes secretariat for drafting a manual providing advice for UN police peacekeepers on advanced methods of investigative interviewing. 

Image may contain: event, conversation, design, room, job.
Publisert 26. juni 2019 12:00

BLOG POST: Since January 2019, British and Norwegian experts have supported an anti-torture program led by Restart in Lebanon. The project entails training representatives from the Lebanese police, investigative judges and security forces in how to conduct interviews and think like investigators.

Publisert 4. feb. 2019 15:16

For the sixth time, FRR Law Office and Bareskrim Polri in cooperation with the University Police College of Norway and the Norwegian Centre for Human Rights organised a training course in Investigative interviewing in Indonesia.

Publisert 25. okt. 2018 13:07

Last week NCHR co-hosted the side event "Progress on the Development of the Universal Protocol on Investigative Interviewing and Associated Safeguards" at the UN in New York. The event was moderated by Assistant Secretary General (ASG) for human rights, Andrew Gilmour, and brought together UN agencies, civil society and member state representatives.

Publisert 22. des. 2016 15:46

Vi arbeider for å bygge kunnskap om menneskerettigheter hos sentrale aktører i rettskjeden, som dommere og påtalemyndigheter samt politi. Nasjonale eksperter som universitetslærere og NGO-aktivister er viktige støttespillere i dette arbeidet.