Cooperation between faith communities in facing intolerance

Public lectures and discussion. The seminar is arranged on the occasion of the visit of an Indonesian interfaith delegation to Norway, in cooperation between the Norwegian Centre for Human Rights and the Council of Religious and Life-Stance Communities.

Programme lectures:

  1. "Cooperation between faith communities in facing intolerance" by Professor Syafiq A. Mughni, Special Envoy to the President of the Republic of Indonesia for Dialog and Inter-Religious Cooperation and Civilization

  2. Ingrid Rosendorf Joys, General Secretary of the Council of Religions and Life-Stance Communities:  On the proposal for a new law on faith- and life stance communities in Norway.  

  3. Bente Sandvig, Special Advisor at the Norwegian Humanist Association: Engaing with religious communities as a representative of the Worlds largest organization of Humanist non-believers.

  4.  Ingrid Rosendorf Joys: On the #tryggibønn-campaigns – demonstrations of interfaith solidarity in the wake of terror attacks against places of worship.

Moderator: Kathrine Raadim, Director, International Department, NCHR

The seminar is open for all. Coffee and tea will be served - REGISTRATION:




Published Sep. 26, 2019 3:19 PM - Last modified Mar. 29, 2023 10:09 AM