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Seminar: Citizens, States, and Wars in the Middle East: A Perpetual Crisis?

Nils Butenschøn retires from his position as Professor at the NCHR on first of July this year. The seminar is organised around central topics in Butenschøn’s academic works over the past 45 years: Nationality conflicts, models of power sharing in deeply divided societies, and the study of citizenship and human rights as a basis for legitimate state authority. Empirically, most of the works, including the five books Butenschøn has published in the last decade, have focused on the Middle East and the region’s modern political history.

The purpose of the seminar is partly to convey central motives and the long lines in the authorship, and partly to relate these to relevant developments and challenges that the region faces after “The Arab Spring”.

The region and its diverse population are not only victims of tragic conflicts, but these conflicts are also in many ways defining global patterns of conflict today. What developments can we see for the future?

The seminar has two parts:

  • Part one addresses the issues of citizenship, human rights and models of conflict resolution.
  • The second part addresses historical patterns of conflict and state development in Middle East.

The topics are of interest to the public, and the speakers are well-known experts within their fields. Butenschøn has marked himself as a central communicator of Middle East knowledge in Norway and as a teacher and researcher at the University of Oslo.

See and download the seminar programme.

Speakers include academics from home and abroad who have contributed in various ways within the themes of the seminar. Read more about the speakers



Citizens, States, and Wars in the Middle East: A Perpetual Crisis?

First part: 0900 - 1300 Citizenship, human rights, and Democracy in the Middle East

0900-0910: Welcome address. Gentian Zyberi, Head of Department, Norwegian Centre for Human Rights

0915-0945: Nils Butenschøn: Introduction to the major themes of the seminar

0930-1015: Keynote addresses: Elizabeth F. Thompson: The Struggle for Constitutional Government in the Middle East
1015-1030: Q & A

1030-1100: Roel Meijer: Citizenship in the Middle East and the transition from colonial to authoritarian populist pact

1100-1130: Rania Maktabi: Gender and State Formation in the Middle East

1130-1200: Asbjørn Eide: Citizenship and Human Rights. A Legal Perspective

1200-1230: Kåre Vollan: Building Democracy in Deeply Divided Societies. Experiences from Lebanon and Palestine

1230-1300: Q & A

1300-1400: Break
Second part: 1400-1630 State formation and patterns of conflict in the Middle East
1400-1430: Gunvor Mejdell: Middle Eastern studies at the University of Oslo. Cross-disciplinarity at a crossroad
1430-1500: Einar Wigen: The legacy of the Ottoman Empire in the Middle East
1500-1530: Øyvind Østerud: Nationalism and state formation in the Middle East
1530-1600: Lars Mjøset: Typological maps of the Middle East. Can we learn from Stein Rokkan’s comparative studies of Western Europe?
1600-1630: Q & A and summing up1600-1630: Q & A and summing up1600-1630: Q & A and summing up


Published Mar. 22, 2019 1:13 PM - Last modified Mar. 29, 2023 10:10 AM