Guest Lecture: "A Better Normal for Academic Freedom in Southeast Asia"

In this lecture, Joel Mark Baysa-Barredo, Executive Director of SHAPE-SEA, will touch on the state of academic freedom in the ASEAN region and SHAPE-SEA's work to build safe spaces for academics. 

Headshot of Joel Mark Baysa-Barredo

Joel Mark Baysa-Barredo

Practical information: 

This is an in-person event. If you wish to attend the lecture, please register using the link below.  

Register here

About the seminar: 

Academics in many parts of the world, including Southeast Asia, have faced numerous challenges in light of their agency, ability, and freedom to problematize, produce and disseminate knowledge. More recently, heightened securitization due to the pandemic, and the rise of authoritarianism had increased vulnerabilities faced by scholars and researchers in the region. Governments have shown their tendency to react against those with opposing views and criticisms. Hence, to freely express and share research findings have been difficult, particularly for those in politically fragile situations.

Since 2015, the protection and promotion of academic freedom have been a major priority of the Strengthening Human Rights and Peace Research and Education in ASEAN/SEA Programme (SHAPE-SEA). Apart from enhancing human rights and peace research and education, SHAPE-SEA has been also been creating platforms to engage stakeholders in addressing issues faced by scholars at risk in the region and beyond.

This discussion aims to increase awareness of the fragile situation of academic freedom in Southeast Asia, as well as SHAPE-SEA’s work on human rights and peace. Ultimately, it seeks to bring about ways to build solidarity in view of attaining safe and brave spaces for academics in every corner of the region. 

About the speaker: 

Joel Mark Baysa-Barredo (he/him/his; they/them/theirs) is the Executive Director of SHAPE-SEA, based in Bangkok. He pursued an International Master’s Degree in Human Rights at the Institute of Human Rights and Peace Studies, Mahidol University (Thailand). He is an Obama Leader for Asia-Pacific 2022. He is also member Regional Advisory Committee for ASEAN SOGIE Caucus' project on "Enriching LGBTQIA+ Expertise in ASEAN and Human Rights Engagement". He actively takes part in several international and regional advocacy and academic exercises with the aim of helping realize sexuality-embracing, youth-driven, rights-centered societies.

Tags: Southeast Asia, ASEAN, academic freedom, SHAPE-SEA, Human Rights
Published Aug. 22, 2022 12:37 PM - Last modified Aug. 26, 2022 9:40 AM