The Role of the ECtHR on the Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights

In this lecture, guest researcher Valon Kashtanjeva will be talking about the role of the practice of the ECtHR in Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) enforcement. Particularly, the engagement of the ECtHR on IPR issues under the property provision, and in the light of balancing IPR with other fundamental rights.

Portrait of Valon Kashtanjeva

Image credit: Valon Kashtanjeva 

Practical information:

This is an in-person event. If you wish to attend the lecture, please register using the link below.  

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About his research:

The title of his research proposal is “The role of the ECtHR on the Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights”. The research forms a part of his PhD project, which looks into the role of International Organizations in the Development and Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR): the Case of Kosovo in a Comparative Perspective. This research will focus on the role of the practice of the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) in Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) enforcement.

The research particularly focuses on the engagement of the ECtHR on IPR matters under the property provision of the ECHR, and in the light of balancing IPR with other fundamental rights. Particularly, the impact of the ECtHR case law on influencing the national judges, in particular to the countries signatory to the European Convention of Human Rights (ECHR), and to a lesser extent to the countries not members of the convention, as such is Kosovo. Bringing to attention that Kosovo with its constitution has accepted the ECtHR standards as sources of legal order, in this context the role of the ECtHR in IPR enforcement would be examined. 

About the speaker:

Valon Kashtanjeva is a PhD candidate in Civil Law at the Faculty of Law, University of Prishtina (UP) Kosovo. He is a visiting researcher at the Norwegian Centre for Human Rights for the period 12 October – 5 November 2022, in the context of the Erasmus+ Global Mobility project with the UP, led by Gentian Zyberi. Valon’s main field of research is Intellectual Property Rights (IPR), with a focus on the development and enforcement of IPR. Until June 2021, for almost ten years he led Kosovo’s Copyright Office and the fight against piracy and counterfeiting. Valon holds a Master of Laws in Intellectual Property from the University of Turin in Italy and a Master of Laws in Economic Law and Intellectual Property from the University of Leuven in Belgium. 

Published Oct. 14, 2022 3:02 PM - Last modified Oct. 14, 2022 3:02 PM