Guest Lecture: Interaction Between Rules of Private International Law and the ECHR

Welcome to this guest lecture by Lyra Çela on the recognition and enforcement of judgements under the constraints of the right to a fair trial under Article 6 of the ECHR.

Portrait of Lyra Cela in her office environment

Image credit: Samantha Nolle/NCHR

About the presentation 

Conflicts of law arise when national laws come into conflict. This can also represent a conflict of values. In private international law, the rights and obligations of individuals is not unaccounted for. To mediate between legal orders that represent different values, private international law should be neutral towards these values. However, too much emphasis on the functioning of private international law systems at the expense of individual rights could trigger state responsibility under the instrument. 

During the presentation, Lyra Çela will analyse the interaction of rules of private international law. She will look at the recognition and enforcement of judgments from the framework of the Hague Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Judgments and the right to a fair trial under Article 6 of the ECHR. 

Her research analyses the coherence and collision of these two systems of rules and how this affects state obligations under the ECHR and the Hague Judgments Convention. 

The study focuses on Kosovo as a non-Contracting State to the ECHR and how the Convention is directly applicable through a constitutional provision. 

About the speaker

Lyra Çela is a PhD candidate in International Law, with a focus on Private International Law, at the Faculty of Law, University of Prishtina, Kosovo. She is completing her stay as a guest researcher at the Norwegian Centre for Human Rights as part of the Erasmus+ Global Mobility project. 
Lyra works at the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Kosovo as chief of staff and senior legal advisor to the President of the Court. Before that, she worked at the Ministry of Justice in Kosovo to head the division for treaty negotiations in the field of international legal cooperation. She holds an Advanced LL.M. in Civil and Commercial Law from Leiden University.

Published Mar. 6, 2023 8:57 AM - Last modified Mar. 15, 2023 1:30 PM