"De Facto" Constitutional Reform and Feminist Resistance: Financial Extractivism in Argentina

Welcome to this hybrid keynote lecture with Lucía Cavallero on '"De Facto" Constitutional Reform and Feminist Resistance: Financial Extractivism in Argentina'. 

Woman with black hair and glasses, in front of a black and white picture of people walking on a busy road.

Photo: L. Eslava, Bogotá (2023)

About the lecture

This lecture will be given by Lucía Cavallero on financial extractivism in Argentina. Lucía Cavallero holds a PhD in Social Sciences and is a Sociologist from the University of Buenos Aires. Currently, she holds a position as a professor of "Feminist Economics" at the National University of Tres de Febrero and also at the University of Avellanera.  Lucía is a co-author of "A Feminist Reading of Debt", which was published in Argentina by the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation (2019), in Brazil by Criação Humana Editora (2019), in Italy by Ombre Corte (forthcoming), and in English by Pluto Press (2021). Along with Verónica Gago and Silvia Federici, she is also a co-author of the book "Who owes whom? Transnational Essays on Financial Disobedience" published by Tinta Limón in Argentina and Editorial Elefante in Brazil. Her latest co-authored book titled "The House as a Laboratory: Finance, Housing, and Essential Work" is set to be published in 2024 by Common Notions in the USA. Lucía is an active member of the "Ni Una Menos Collective", where she works to articulate the agenda of economic violence.

Practical information

Important note: This lecture is given in Spanish, but will be translated to english simultaneously. Non-spanish speakers who wish to attend this lecture must bring an electronic device and headphones to listen to the translation. 

The lecture will be given online. However, participants are welcome to join physically in auditorium 2 at Domus Juridica. A light lunch will be served before the lecture.

If you wish to participate in person, kindly register through this link: 

Register to attend in person

For participants who wish to attend online, you may join through this zoom-link:  

Join the lecture online

Tags: Human Rights, Latin America, Extractivism, Constitutional Law
Published Feb. 20, 2024 11:22 AM - Last modified Feb. 22, 2024 11:13 AM