Presentation on UN Human Rights Mechanism Guidebook in Burmese by researcher Salai Vanni Bawi

A presentation by Salai Vanni Bawi and the relevance of this topic to the coup d'etat carried out by the military junta in 2021

Portrait of Salai Vanni Bawi in a cherry blossom garden

Photo of Salai Vanni Bawi Credit: Private 

On Friday April 26th Salai Vanni Bawi, a researcher at Myanmar Institute of Theology-Yangon (MIT-Yangon) will visit NCHR. NCHR has collaborated with Salai on the publication of a book on the UN Human Rights Mechanism Guidebook in Burmese.

He will hold a presentation on his work and the relevance of this topic to the coup d'etat carried out by the military junta in 2021. The presentation will take place on Friday 26th at 10.30 in room 8113.

Please register

Please RSVP by 22 April so that we have an idea of how many will show. You can register here: 26 of April: Salai Vanni Bawi presentation

Short introduction of Salai

Salai Vanni Bawi is a lecturer in the Liberal Arts Program at Myanmar Institute of Theology-Yangon (MIT-Yangon). He is a final year PhD Candidate (Social Science) and a professional researcher focusing on disability inclusion, Human rights, development studies, and anthropology studies on ethnic communities in Myanmar. He has over twelve years of experience conducting development work and research in Armenia, India, Thailand, and Myanmar. Initially, he is from Chin State in Myanmar and did his master's degree at the Faculty of Political Science at Chulalongkorn University and his PhD at Chiang Mai University, Thailand. He is deeply familiar with the Mekong region's socio-cultural and political contexts. He has extensive experience working in the border areas of Myanmar, India, and Thailand, gathering qualitative research.


Published Apr. 19, 2024 11:00 AM - Last modified Apr. 19, 2024 11:00 AM