Events - Page 6

Time and place: , Domus Media, East Wing, 1st floor, meeting room Petroleum and Energy Law

We regret to inform you that this lunch seminar has been cancelled

Time and place: , Rettshistorisk samling, Domus Bibliotheca 2.nd Floor

This seminar will mark the centenary and promote reflection on the impact of the First World War on the structure, content and character of international law. Speakers include Doctoral Research Fellow Jørgen Sørgard Skjold, Associate Professor Astrid Kjeldgaard-Pedersen, Professor Gentian Zyberi, Professor Geir Ulfstein and Researcher Halvard Leira, NUPI

Time and place: , the Norwegian Nobel Institute, Henrik Ibsens gate 51

In cooperation with the Nobel Institute and the Global Policy Initative at Columbia University, New York, the Faculty's research group on International Law and Governance organizes an event to mark the launch of a Model International Mobility Convention and the implications of a comprehensive global mobility regime. 

Time and place: , Domus Media west wing, 2nd floor, Venue: Viggo Hagstrøms sal ("Kjerka")

The Research Group on International Law and Governance is, together with the Norwegian branch of the International Law Association, pleased to welcome Professor Christian J. Tams, Chair of International Law at The University of Glasgow, to offer his reflections on international adjudication.

Was Norway's support a violation of Syrian sovereignty and a breach of the principle of non-intervention?

What is the significance of Norway's intent in supporting the paramilitary group?

Can it be justified as self-defense in accordance with article 51 UNC?

Introduction based on an article published in Klassekampen by Phd. Stipendiat Jørgen Skjold and Prof. Malcolm Langford, followed by a comment by Prof. Geir Ulfstein.

Time and place: , Kjerka, Domus Media

Experiences and Strategies from the European Court of Human Rights, the International Criminal Court, the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea and the WTO Appellate Body.

Time and place: , Voksenåsen Conference Centre

Interdisciplinary Conference on Migration: Vulnerability, Protection, and Agency in Oslo 24-25 May 2018, under the auspices of the University of Oslo, Faculty of Law.


Time and place: , Kjerka, Domus Media, Karl Johans gate 47

The Norwegian Defense University College, the Research Group on Human Rights, Armed Conflicts, and the Law on Peace and Security, and the Research Group on International Law and Governance have the pleasure to invite you to an open seminar with Dr Bill Boothby.          

Time and place: , Domus Media, Lødrups kjeller

Dr. Katrin Nyman Metcalf, Chairman of the International Relations Committee (IRC) of the European Space Agency 

Time and place: , Seminar Room, Asbjørn Eide, Cort Adelers gate 30

In the framework of the EURASIA – European Law educational cooperation Oslo – Ukraine, the Norwegian Centre for Human Rights and the Faculty Research Group Human Rights, Armed Conflicts, and the Law of Peace and Security are hosting this open lecture by Professor Oksana Holovko-Havrysheva.

Norsk forening for internasjonal rett - medlemsmøte 13. mars

Professor Mads Andenæs innleder om rettsprinsipper i folkeretten

Foto: Mads Andenæs

Time and place: , Kjerka, Domus Media west wing 2nd Floor

This seminar discusses the multiple legal issues raised by the recent Norwegian litigation involving EU vessels catching snow crab in the Loophole and around Svalbard with a license from the flag State, but without a Norwegian license.

Chair: professor Ola Mestad, Head of Department at Scandinavian Institute of Maritime Law

Time and place: , Lødrups kjeller, Domus Media

Førstelektor Stian Øby Johansen ved Universitetet i Oslo innleder om internasjonale organisasjoners menneskerettsansvar.

Time and place: , Domus Bibliotheca, meeting room 325

Support for research projects - strategy for proposals and external possibilities. 

Time and place: , Domus Media, Kjerka

For decades, the Northern Sea Route has been one of the most contentious legal and political issues in U.S.—Soviet/Russian Arctic relations. These issues are becoming more acute as the ice is decreasing and the route is becoming more accessible. William E. Butler, John Edward Fowler Distinguished Professor of Law, will reflect on issues related to the current legal regime. 

Time and place: , Gamle festsal, Domus Academica, Karl Johans gate 47

Associate Professor Christina Voigt will interview Professor Bruno Simma, former judge on the International Court of Justice.

Time and place: , Domus Nova, room 571 (5th floor)

Guest lecture by Robert J. Currie, Director of the Law & Technology Institute at Dalhousie University (Canada).

Time and place: , Voksenåsen hotell

Konferanse/workshop i regi av Forskergruppen Internationalization of Law.


Time and place: , Gamle Festsal, Domus Academica

Professor Cecilia Bailliet will interview ICJ Judge Antônio Augusto Cançado Trindade. The Interview is combined with the launch of Trindades book "International Law for Humankind - Towards a New Jus Gentium".

Time and place: , Fakultetsværelset i annen etasje i Domus Academica SE02 203

Professor Gradoni vant i fjor ESILs Book Prize for sin bok "Regime Failure Nel Diritto Internazionale" (CEDAM, 2009), som nå kommer i engelskspråklig utgave på Cambridge University Press (2011).

Time and place: , Domus Nova, room 571

Finola O'Sullivan (Editorial Director (Law), Cambridge University Press (CUP):  Getting Published Internationally in Academic Books and Journals  

Time and place: , Domus Nova, Rom 770

Forelesningen er basert på artikkelutkastet "Constitutionalism and the Incompleteness of Democracy: An Iterative Relationship". Les et sammendrag her.  

Time and place: , Teologisk eksamenssal, Domus Academica

International organizations exercise increasing power, both at the regional and global level. This raises also questions about the legitimacy and control of such powers. Professor Jan Klabbers is a leading expert on the law of international organizations and is the Director of the Centre of Excellence in Global Governance Research at the University of Helsinki.

Time and place: , University of Oslo


This network conference is funded by the Research Council of Norway.

Time and place: , Bristol Hotel, Oslo

We invite internationally acclaimed women scholars to this conference. The intention is to create a network for women scholars and practitioners to support their engagement in international public law. We seek to pursue publication of the papers and conclusions of the roundtables in an anthology with an international publishing house thereafter.