Intensive Course in Human Rights 2019

23 participants from 13 different countries participated in a one-week intensive, multi-disciplinary course in human rights at NCHR in the second week of September.

The moot court judges consider the case

The moot court judges consider the case (Photo: Aksel Tømte)

The participants represented governmental departments, courts, independent state institutions, civil society and academia.

The course gave a basic introduction to human rights standards, as well as the roles and functions of the institutions in place to ensure compliance with these standards at global, regional and national level. For more information, read the course programme.

The course is an annual event. The next intensive course in human rights will be held early September 2020. We welcome applications from all professionals that will benefit from basic human rights knowledge in their daily work. Applicants will be subject to a selection process. A limited amount of travel grants will be available to participants representing organisations with limited financial resources from low or middle-income countries. Applicants are expected to prepare for the course by reading literature that will be distributed in advance of the training (approximately 5-600 pages).

More information on how to apply for the 2020 course will be announced on the NCHR website in early 2020.

Published Oct. 9, 2019 2:37 PM - Last modified Mar. 23, 2023 11:23 AM