Intensive Course in International Human Rights, 9-13 September 2019

NCHR's Intensive Course in Human Rights will be arranged in September 2019. 

Image may contain: Smile, Suit trousers, Human, Coat, Tie.

Participants of the 2018 course visiting the Storting (Norwegian parliament). Photo: Guisela Carolina Camacho

The NCHR Intensive Course on Human Rights is a multi-disciplinary course that will give participants knowledge on: 

  • International human rights standards
  • The systems in place for protecting human rights at UN, regional and national level
  • Practical application of human rights
  • Key contemporary human rights issues such as freedom of religion, or the human rights of refugees

The course has a strong international profile. We welcome applications from all kinds of human rights defenders, government officals or civil servants, NGO representatives and legal practitioners who would like to increase their ability to integrate human rights standards in their daily work and get a systematic introduction to the international human rights system. Surveys and feedback from previous participants show a very high level of satisfaction.

How to participate

The deadline for the 2019 course has passed.


Speakers and facilitators with high level of expertise on their respective topics will teach at the courseThe 2019 programme is currently being developed and will be published on this page once finalised. Until then, please refer to the programme for the 2018 Intensive course. Some changes in content should be expected.


Questions about the course can be directed to Aksel Tømte,

Tags: HRE NCHR, Human Rights Education, Human Rights Course, Intensive Course By Aksel Tømte
Published Jan. 3, 2019 10:09 AM - Last modified Apr. 15, 2024 10:31 AM