Interfaith and Intermedia Dialogue

NCHR hosted an “Interfaith and intermedia dialogue” involving a large delegation from Indonesia, and representatives of Norwegian ministries and Norwegian faith and life-stance communities on Sept 30 - 1 October.


Image may contain: Event, Job, Collaboration, Seminar, Meeting.

The media panel, left to right: Agus Subidyo from the Indonesian Press Council, Jati Savitri, from media group, Gunnar Kagge from The Press Complain Commission, professor Elisabeth Eide from Oslo Metropolitan University, Shoaib Sultan from the Norwegian Centre Against racism, and moderator Rudi Sukendar from the Habibie Centre

The first day featured three panels – “Managing Pluralism: Current trends and Challenges”, “Preventing intolerance and violent extremism: the role of governments” and ”Press Freedom and media responsibility: cyber extremism, radicalism and hate-speech through media”.

The second day there was an open discussion co-hosted by the Norwegian Council on Religion and Life-Stance Communities on ‘cooperation between faith communities in facing intolerance’ followed by visits to religions institutions that have had to deal with violent extremism.

The Indonesian delegation consisted of 18 diplomats, religious leaders, academics and media-workers, including special envoy to the president professor Syafiq. A Mughni, leader of the Indonesian delegation Cecep Henrawan, and ambassador to Norway prof. Todung Mulya Lubis. Norwegian participants included, among others, Jostein Leiro, ambassador on Freedom of Religion or Belief, Senaid Kobilicia from Muslim Dialog Network, Gunnar Stålsett from Religions for Peace, Ingrid Rosendorf Joys from the Norwegian Council of Religions and Life-Stance Communities, Bente Sandvik from the Norwegian Humanist Association, Gunnar Kagge from the Press Complaint Commission, and Shoaib Sultan from the Norwegian Centre Against Racism.

Published Oct. 9, 2019 2:36 PM - Last modified Mar. 23, 2023 11:06 AM