NCHR Alumni network co-hosts academic freedom seminar

The seminar titled "Academic Freedom and Challenges in the Era of Neoconservatism and Developmentalism" was held in Malang, Indonesia on September 4 and attanded by more than 100 univsersity lecturers, journalists, students and NGO representatives. 

The seminar included presentations on the following topics: 

Academic Freedom for press students (Herlambang Wiratraman).

Comparison of concept and regulations on academic freedom in different countries (Nanda Saraswati).

Challenges to academic freedom in legal cases on the envrionment and natural resources (Basuki Wasis).

The role of the National Commission on Human Rights in protecting academic freedom (Choirul Anam).

Advocacy for academic freedom (Asfinawati)

Academic freedom in research about past human rights violations (Manunggal Wardaya)


The event was arranged by the association of human right lecturers in Indonesia (Sepaham Indonesia), the NCHR Alumni network, The Centre for Human Rights and Decmocracy at the Brawijaya University, The Centre for Human Rights Law Studies at Universitas Airlangga, the Indonesian Legal Aid Foundation (YLBHI) and the National Commission for Human Rights. 

In addition to the seminar, a specialist workshop on how to advance academic freedom was held on 4-5 September, with 35 participants.  


One of the specific issues addressed the seminar were covered in the Indonesian news outlet Tirto.



By Aksel Tømte
Published Oct. 9, 2019 2:44 PM - Last modified Apr. 15, 2024 10:32 AM