Remapping Human Rights and Peace Education in Southeast Asia

The Official Launch of the book "Remapping and Analysis of Human Rights and Peace Education in ASEAN/Southeast Asia" and a subsequent regional workshop took place at the ASEAN Secretariat in Jakarta 17-18 October. 

SHAPE SEA, a joint programme between the ASEAN University Network-Human Rights Education (AUN-HRE) and the Southeast Asia Human Rights Studies Network (SERHER),  officially launched its research result titled "Remapping and Analysis of Human Rights and Peace Education in ASEAN/Southeast Asia" on 17 October in Jakarta, followed by a Regional Workshop on Human Rights and Peace Education. Approximately 60 participants were from ASEAN/SEA. Higher officials from ASEAN and donors made opening remarks and attended the event.

Right after the book launch, participants had several roundtable discussions on key issues affecting Human Rights and Peace Education in ASEAN/Southeast Asia. They addressed challenges and gridlocks that remain with regards to promoting and implementing Human Rights and Peace Education, as well as how to maximize prospects and opportunities in this field.

Enhancing Human Rights and Peace Education in the Region

Promoting human rights and peace education is an important mission for SHAPE SEA.

Group discussion (Photo: UIO)

During the workshop, participants discussed the ways forward to enhance human rights and peace education in this region, such as developing a common graduate program at the university level in the region, more courses, teaching resources, student engagement and protection of academic freedom in ASEAN/Southeast Asia.

Engaging Young Students

SHAPE SEA also invited three students from Indonesia and Philippines to attend and make speeches at this official launch and workshop. In order to change the mindset of people towards a more fundamental respect for human rights, it is important to engage young people in human rights and peace education. 

Participants were very satisfied with the events and hope that the SHAPE SEA Programme can provide more opportunities for them in the future. 

Tags: SHAPE SEA, Human Rights and Peace Education By Yi Wang
Published Oct. 31, 2019 1:15 PM - Last modified Apr. 15, 2024 10:33 AM