Corruption and Human Rights

A recently published book puts attention on the links between corruption and human rights. 

The book, with the Indonesian title ‘Korupsi sebagai pelanggaran Hak Asasi Manusia: tawaran perspektif’ (Corruption as Human Rights Violations: offering perspectives) was published in January this year by the Centre for Human Rights Studies at the Islamic University of Indonesia, Pusham UII. 

The book developed from a workshop held in Yogyakarta on the same topic, and is based on cooperation between Pusham UII, the Indonesian Anti-Corruption Commission and NCHR.

The book is particularly targeting law enforcement agencies in Indonesia. It addresses the notion of corruption as a "victimless crime" and shows how the effects of corruption can be much wider than the rather minimalistic notion of "state losses" that can be claimed before Indonesian courts. 

The book's authors are Eko Riyadi, Marhus Ali, Anang Zubaidy and Syarif Nurhidayat. Based on the book, the Anti-Corruption Commission has made 3,5 minute video that can be watched here (in Indonesian language).


Published Mar. 18, 2020 6:06 AM - Last modified Apr. 15, 2024 10:36 AM