The Attorney General’s Office of Thailand studies investigative management and cooperation in Oslo

A delegation of ten senior prosecutors from Thailand was welcomed at NCHR in Oslo for a study visit on the Norwegian investigation and prosecutorial system.

Thai delegates together with NCHR staff.

Thai delegates together with NCHR staff.

The visit was related to the ongoing cooperation with the Office of the Attorney General of Thailand, through a group of Thai prosecutors at Nitivajra Institute on matters related to investigative interviewing for fair and efficient administration of justice. 

The prosecutors’ role in the investigation

The Nitivajra Institute is carrying out a research project for comparative study on prosecutors’ role in the investigation process, which includes a study on the Norwegian investigation and prosecutorial system. 

While in Oslo, the delegation was briefed on Investigative management and cooperation from a state attorney perspective by State Attorney Nina Prebe, the Education and training of the police and the prosecution in Norway by Dag Sveaas, Assistant Chief of Police, Norwegian Police University College, and the knowledge driven structures for development in investigative management by Tor Kallmyr, Head of investigations, Violence Section, Crime Squad, Kripos. 

The delegates were also welcomed at the Oslo Police headquarters to learn more about the professional development of the Norwegian police, and the common criminal unit in Oslo by Trond Ove Bredesen, Assistant chief of Police, head of the police professional staff at the Joint Unit for Intelligence and Investigation in the Oslo Police District, Thomas Kvalnes, Detective Superintendent and Børge Enoksen, Police Attorney. 

Bringing back plans for domestic implementation

Additionally, the delegates were briefed on investigative interviewing, and identifying and preventing errors of justice by NCHR guest researchers and Police Chief Superintendents Dr. Ivar Fahsing and Dr. Asbjørn Rachlew, and engaged in numerous discussions on the role of the judiciary in preventing errors of justice, and challenges and opportunities for domestic implementation. 

- I have a confession to make. At first, I did not understand why I was supposed to go to Norway to participate in this study visit. But I am so glad I did. This visit has completely changed my view on the role of the judiciary in the investigation to prevent errors of justice, one of the delegates proclaimed. 

The delegate in question proceeded to completely revise his intervention at a forthcoming country wide conference for prosecutors in Thailand to incorporate what he took home from the study visit. 

Tags: Thailand, RoL NCHR, Police University College of Norway, KRIPOS, Investigative interviewing By Susanne H. Flølo
Published Oct. 25, 2022 2:01 PM - Last modified Oct. 25, 2022 2:01 PM