Summary workshop on gender and human rights teaching in China

This week, more than 90 Chinese researchers and university teachers from all over China convened to attend a summary workshop for a NCHR and RWI supported teacher training project on gender and human rights.

Collage of group photos from NCHR seminars for Chinese human rights teachers

The teacher training project is a cooperation between the NCHR, China University of Political Science and Law (CUPL) and the Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights (RWI).

From 2017 to 2021, 10 teacher training seminars have been held and 130 Chinese university teachers have attended two seminars each. The seminars have been interdisciplinary, but 77 % of the teachers that participated in the seminars over the years were legal scholars while 14 % were sociologists. 

When the project started five years ago, only 3 Chinese universities offered courses about gender and human rights. The situation has changed, and now more than 30 former participants say that they have started up such courses at their own home universities. 98 % of the university teachers who attended the NCHR funded seminars also say that they have started to incorporate issues related to gender and human rights into some of their other teaching activities.

Tags: gender and human rights, Non-discrimination, teacher training, NCHR International Department, China, Equality NCHR
Published June 17, 2022 12:28 PM - Last modified July 29, 2022 1:18 PM