NCHR attends large China conference in Copenhagen

The NCHR International Department is visiting Copenhagen University this week, attending the international conference “Categories, Digital Reconfiguration and Mobility in China”.

Image may contain: Coat, Chair, Interaction, Event, Technology.

Adviser at the NCHR, Ms. Wang Yi attending a panel about the social credit system in China.

The conference is a joint opening conference for the Network Categorizing People and Resources in Contemporary China (CatCh) and the Moving Data - Moving People (MDMP) project on mobility and China’s social credit system. China experts from all over the world are attending the conference.


News from NCHR projects in China:

Business and Human Rights in the Chinese National Human Rights Action Plan

Business and Human Rights Workshop for academics and business sector representatives


Tags: Human Rights, China, social credit, Business and Human Rights By Elisabeth Bjornstol
Published May 19, 2022 11:36 AM - Last modified Mar. 23, 2023 10:18 AM