Promoting corporate Human Rights Due Diligence in China

Supported by the Norwegian Center of Human Rights(NCHR), partner institutions in China have over the past few weeks organized a number of seminars and workshops to promote business human rights due diligence.

Group photo in front og large university in China

Photo: UiO

The unanimous endorsement of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs) has clarified that all business enterprises have an independent responsibility to respect human rights, and that in order to do so they are required to exercise human rights due diligence to identify, prevent, mitigate and account for how they address impacts on human rights.

Chinese Corporate Human Rights Policy on Business and Human Rights

The Human Rights Research Institutes at China University of Political Science and Law, Fudan University and Nankai University joined forces with China Textile Industry Federation to organize a forum on Corporate Human Rights Policy on Business and Human Rights. More than 40 scholars and experts from various human rights research institutions at universities, law firms and representatives from the business sector in China attended this Forum. 

Three scholars presented their research on the importance of promoting human rights policy statement in the Chinese enterprises, with empirical research on human rights policies in digital enterprises and social media platforms. Representatives from the business sector also shared their experience on the importance of promoting human rights policies in their sectors, and the challenges they are facing. They all agreed that corporate human rights due diligence is a non-negotiable step in the process, and it is a way for enterprises to proactively manage potential and actual adverse human rights impacts with which they are involved.

The forum had also invited international experts to update on new trends in global business and human rights. Professor Bård Anders Andreassen, Director of the Norwegian Center for Human Rights, introduced the Norwegian Transparency Act and corporate reporting obligations. Mr. Stéphane Brabant, Senior Partner of Trinity LLP Law Firm in Paris, and Professor Georges Enderle with the University of Notre Dame in Indiana, focused on international development of the business and human rights agenda and imminent challenges of corporate human rights responsibility respectively.

Image may contain: Clothing, Outerwear, Product, Azure, Human.

Business and Inclusive Employment for Persons with Disabilities

The Research Centre for Human Rights at Guangzhou University and Wuhan University co-organized a seminar on Sustainable Employment and Social Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities. The seminar attracted more than 30 participants from universities, companies, disabled persons federations and other civil society organizations engaged in protecting individuals with disabilities from employment discrimination. Scholars and practitioners focused on employment of persons with disabilities in the UNGPs; the state obligation to integrate persons with disabilities into employment; corporate responsibility to be disability-inclusive, and effective mechanisms for disability-inclusive employment.

In order to foster knowledge and practical skills necessary to promote business and human rights in China, NCHR partners have also held workshops to build competence for university teacher, lawyers, and people from various business sectors. 

The series of events provide a platform for academics, civil society and business representatives to exchange views on how to promote corporate responsibility for human rights in China. There is a consensus that theoretical research and practical exploration in the fields of business and human rights shall be promoted and deepened to better understand and respond to the impact of the new international trends in business and human rights.

Tags: NCHR, UNGPs, China, Business and human rights due diligence, Inclusive employment. By Yi Wang, Bassel Hatoum
Published Dec. 18, 2023 10:20 AM - Last modified Dec. 18, 2023 10:20 AM