Would you like to be a visiting researcher at the Norwegian Center for Human Rights?

The Norwegian Center for Human Rights has made available grants for visiting researchers from other academic institutions

Image of the main building of UiO

Foto: Maylinn Hovengen Byrknes

The International Department of the Norwegian Centre for Human Rights (NCHR) offers 2-3 researchers from ASEAN and P.R. China the opportunity of becoming a guest researcher at the NCHR for a period of two to three weeks in the fall of 2024. (Please note that this is a separate opportunity from the general Visiting Scholar programme of NCHR.)

Who can apply?

The research grant is available for researchers from ASEAN and P.R. China focusing on human rights, within the disciplines of law, humanities and social science. In 2024, applications focused on UN Human Rights Mechanisms, non-discrimination and gender equality, and business and human rights are particularly encouraged.

The Research Grant 

The research grant covers International flights and accommodation, living expenses in Oslo as well as expenses such as visa fees, local transportation and insurance.

We will provide an office space, access to IT-facilities, access to the University of Oslo library, and the chance to be an active and integrated part of the Center while here.

What is expected of a visiting researcher?

Visiting researchers are expected to primarily engage in their own research, but also to seek scholarly and cultural interaction with the Center. By the end of the research period, a presentation of the research findings will take place at the NCHR.

How to apply

Further information on the grants and application process can be found here.

Please submit your application through our online form no later than April 01 2024.

Published Feb. 26, 2024 11:48 AM - Last modified Apr. 3, 2024 10:26 AM