Norwegian version of this page

Religion and Human Rights

NCHR works with Religion and Human Rights, through the Oslo Coalition on Freedom of Religion or Belief, as a common good for everyone in every society. 

What we do:

Illustration - buildings. Photo Credit: Pieter Cronjé
  • We promote Freedom of Religion or Belief (FORB) as a common good for everyone, in every society. 
  • We facilitate discursive space for scholars, religious leaders, civil servants, experts and activists in the exploration of contemporary FORB-related topics.
  • We conduct scientific research and develop resource materials, contributing to advance FORB as a Human Right.
  • We teach and build competence on religion and human rights, with a focus on FORB in cooperation with partners.

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About the Oslo Coalition

The Oslo Coalition on Freedom of Religion or Belief (FORB) was established in 1998, and works with an international network of representatives from academia, religious and life-stance communities, international organizations, and civil society. The work and the activities of the Oslo Coalition is based on The Oslo Declaration on Freedom of Religion or Belief and The Oslo Principles on Promotion of Freedom of Religion or Belief, 2016. The Oslo Coalition is part of the International Department at the Norwegian Center for Human Rights, University of Oslo.


The Oslo Coalition’s overall objective is that no one shall be subject to discrimination or harmful practice based on religion or belief.

  • New Directions in Islamic Thought

    • Opening new ways of thinking on FORB by Muslim scholars, experts and activists for critical and constructive discourse from theological, historical and legal perspectives.


  • Scrutinizing Limitations to FORB

    • Research and knowledge building on legitimate and illegitimate limitations to FORB in accordance with international law, and continuous education of civil servants and policy makers.

  • New Directions in Christian Orthodox Thought 

    • Promotes FORB in Orthodox Christian societies through internal Orthodox debate, and stimulates reflections on the relation between the Church and international human rights. 

  • Competence Building on Religion and Human Rights 

    • Knowledge building programs on Religion and Human Rights, adapted to local contexts for university students, academics, religious leaders, policy-makers and civil society actors.

  • Religion & Human Rights in Indonesia

    • Cooperation with academic and civil society actors on FORB focusing on women’s and children’s rights, religious minorities, and tolerance and peaceful coexistence across religious divides. 

  • Previous projects

    • - Missionary activities and Human Rights
      - The Politicization of Freedom of Religion or Belief
      - Working group on China
      - Teaching for Tolerance

Resource Library


The Oslo Coalition’s work includes knowledge building and development of resources in the field of religion and human rights.

The resources are available for free in our library. Please feel welcome to use them!

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