Guide to rights-based implementation of the Indonesian Village Law

The guide was written in 2016 by scholars at the Institute for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and Lakpesdam NU - the unit for study and development of human resources under the board of the Muslim mass organisation Nahdlatul Ulama, with support from the NCHR.

Discussing management of village assets in Delang, Central Kalimantan, 2017.

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The guide is intended for village government, village facilitators, NGOs and community organisations working at village level – and ordinary citizens. The guide emphasises overarching issues such as democratic participation, access to information, accountability and involvement of vulnerable groups in the enforcement of Indonesia’s Village Law, rather than technical details. It is intended to be easily accessible.



Foreword by Minister of Villages, Underdeveloped Regions and Transmigration Eko Putro Sandjojo.

Foreword by Dr Rumani Ahmad, Head of Lakpesdam NU

Chapter I -  Introduction

Chapter II - Lets us look at the Village

Chapter III – How to use the Village Law to fulfill citizens’ rights

  1.  Fighting for participation
  2.  Regulating rights through the Village Assembly
  3.  Understanding budget politics
  4.  Developing a village information system
  5.  Managing village assets
  6.  Founding and Developing Village-owned business
  7.  Developing democracy, strengthening citizen’s forums
  8.  Anticipating and preventing conflict
  9.  Strengthening women’s rights
  10.  Strengthening cultural rights
  11.  Adat (traditional) Villages

Chapter IV – Checklist for rights-based village development

Authors: Sri Palupi, Ufi Ulfiah, Praetyohadi, Yulia Sri Sukapti, Sabik Al Fauzi. Editors: Sri Palupi, Uli Ulifah, Nurun Nisa

By Aksel Tømte
Published Aug. 11, 2017 12:34 PM - Last modified Aug. 14, 2017 9:10 AM