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People - Page 2

Persons 26 - 42 of 42
Name Phone E-mail Tags
Picture of Cathrine Kullgreen Kullgreen, Cathrine Higher Executive Officer Fellesadministrasjon - on leave. +47 41255879 Web Editor, Human Rights, Conferences, Events
Picture of Gisle Kvanvig Kvanvig, Gisle Project Manager +47 22842088 +47 982 34 681 Vietnam, Human Rights, Souteast Asia, ASEAN
Picture of Lena Larsen Larsen, Lena Director The Oslo Coalition on Freedom of Religion or Belief 22842045 91624823 Human Rights, Freedom of Religion or Belief (FoRB), The Oslo Coalition
Picture of Tore Lindholm Lindholm, Tore +47 45021737 Human Rights, Freedom of Religion or Belief (FoRB), plural legitimacy of human rights, human dignity
Picture of Anna Maria Charlotta Lundberg Lundberg, Anna Maria Charlotta Associate Professor +47 22842014 China, Human Rights, Minorites, Minority Rights
Picture of Sandra Petersen Petersen, Sandra
Picture of Asbjørn Rachlew Rachlew, Asbjørn Researcher
Picture of Nina Reiners Reiners, Nina Head of Department Human Rights, Social Sciences, Socio-Legal Studies, International Law
Picture of Matthew William Saul Saul, Matthew William Associate Professor Human Rights, International Law
Picture of Victoria Skeie Skeie, Victoria Doctoral Research Fellow +47 22859529 Human Rights, Business and Human Rights, Human rights and technology, Forced labour
Picture of Aksel Tømte Tømte, Aksel Senior Advisor + 47 412 59 393 Indonesia, Human Rights, Freedom of Religion or Belief, Business and Human Rights, Economic Social and Cultural Rights, Forest Management in Indonesia, Transmigration
Picture of Emma Charlotte Solheim Verngård Verngård, Emma Charlotte Solheim Adviser +47 45213363 Human Rights, Web editor, Web publishing, Communication
Picture of Ellen Vrålstad Vrålstad, Ellen Research Assistant +47 40391077
Picture of Yi Wang Wang, Yi Senior Adviser +47 22842054 Human Rights, Human Rights Education, China
Picture of Gentian Zyberi Zyberi, Gentian Professor +47 22842086 Public International Law, International Courts and Tribunals, International Court of Justice, International Criminal Court, International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia, European Court of Human Rights, Human Rights, International Humanitarian Law, International Criminal Law, Responsibility to Protect, Transitional Justice, Community Interests, Human Rights and Conflict.
Picture of Julie Viker Aanensen Aanensen, Julie Viker Adviser - International Department +47 45437354 Human Rights, Human Rights Education, UN Human Rights Mechanisms, UN, Universal Periodic Review, Islam, Middle East, freedom of religion or belief, Myanmar, Lebanon, Jordan, Rule of Law, Ukraine
Picture of Helge Årsheim Årsheim, Helge Associate Professor +47 22850364