Call for Papers: Human Rights and Sustainability

The Research Group on Human Rights and Sustainable Development invites submission of papers for an upcoming conference on the intersection between human rights and sustainability as an evolving and justiciable concept.

Graphic illustration of several sustainable development goals

Illustration photo:

The conference is scheduled for 9-10 June 2022 in Domus Media. It aims to develop critical and reflective thinking on sustainability and its linkages to human rights, relating to its evolution, implementation, justiciability, and the political power dynamics of different actors including in civic spaces.

We are inviting proposals for papers that align with the theme. Topics may relate to or be analyzed from various academic fields, including but not limited to law, institutional, comparative, political and policy analyses. Multidisciplinary is encouraged. 

Read the full call for papers here.

Submission of abstracts and selection of participants

  • 25 March 2022: Deadline for submission of the title of the paper and an abstract (maximum 500 words).
  • 5 April 2022: Successful participants are notified.
  • 25 May 2022: Deadline for submission of short working papers, to allow conference participants time to review before the workshop.
  • 9-10 June 2022: The conference takes place.
  • 30 October 2022: Deadline for submission of full-length papers.

Only original research, which is not submitted for publication elsewhere, will be considered for publication.

Submission form

Published Feb. 28, 2022 4:54 PM - Last modified Oct. 14, 2022 12:03 PM