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NCHR and PRIO submitted Norhed 2 project: Partnership for Peace: Better Higher Education for Resilient Societies

On Friday, 26 June, we submitted a Norhed 2 project where we partner with PRIO and five leading institutions to strengthen higher education institutions ability to produce high-quality research and teaching.

Image may contain: Graphic design, Water, World, Cg artwork, Design.

The project shall develop a global network for enhancing academic capabilities in the fields of Peace and Conflict and Human Rights research. Colourbox: Illustrated montage of the earth with a global network, Stock image

If granted, this project would last six years (2021-2026) and funded with about 20 million NOK. The six-years project is entitled: "Partnership for Peace: Better Higher Education for Resilient Societies".

This will be a cooperation coordinated by NCHR together with PRIO, partnering with five leading institutions in three different parts of the world, including Africa (Makerere University, Uganda; African School of Economics, Benin; and Mekelle University, Ethiopia), Latin-America (Universidad de los Andes, Colombia) and the Middle East (Birzeit University, Palestine).

Will develop a global network

Together we will organize PhD courses, train junior faculty staff, develop relevant curricula and arrange academic exchanges. This cooperation will take place in the context of a research school focusing on peace and conflict and human rights issues. The project shall develop a global network for enhancing academic capabilities in the fields of Peace and Conflict and Human Rights research.

Published June 30, 2020 8:27 AM - Last modified Dec. 21, 2020 1:45 PM