Special Issue 3, 2012 - Quantifying Human Rights

This is a special issue, titled Quantifying Human Rights

With special guest editors Malcolm Langford and Sakiko Fukuda-Parr


Malcolm Langford and Sakiko Fukuda-Parr, 'The Turn to Metrics', pp. 222-238.


Polly Vizard, 'Evaluating Compliance using Quantitative Methods and Indicators: Lessons from the Human Rights Measurement Framework', pp. 239-278.

Jody Heymann, Magda Barrera, Nicolas de Guzman, Amy Raub and Ilona Vincent, 'From Human Rights Agreements to National Change: Illustrating a More Transparent Approach to Accountability', pp. 279-296.

 Susan Randolph and Patrick Guyer, 'Tracking the Historical Evolution of States' Compliance with their Economic and Social Rights Obligations of Result: Insights from the Historical SERF Index', pp. 297-323.

Allison Corkery and Sally-Anne Way, 'Intergrating Quantitative and Qualitative Tools to Monitor the Obligation to Fulfil Economic, Social and Cultural Rights: the OPERA Framework', pp. 324-349. 

Alicia Ely Yamin and Kathryn L Falb, 'Counting What We Know; Knowing What to Count: Sexual and Reproductive Rights, Maternal Health and the Millennium Development Goals', pp. 350-371.

Courtney Jung and Evan Rosevear, 'Economic and Social Rights across Time, Regions, and Legal Traditions: A Preliminary Analysis of the TIESR Dataset', pp. 372-394.

Book Review

'Arzoo Osanloo (Princeton University Press 2009): The Politics of Women's Rights in Iran' Reviewed by Sevda Clark.

Published Nov. 26, 2012 2:48 PM - Last modified Dec. 20, 2012 5:38 PM