Journal Issues - Page 6

Published Nov. 23, 2016 9:45 AM

The Nordic Journal of Human Rights winter issue for 2016 features four research articles covering a wide range of human rights topics: international election observation, women’s rights, substantive equality and judicial responses to ethno-cultural claims, as well as an ethnographic study of Mayan concepts and human rights framework. In this issue, all our contributing authors analyse and promote the development of more sophisticated rights frameworks and jurisprudence.

Published Oct. 18, 2016 4:04 PM

The Nordic Journal of Human Rights autumn issue includes a legal commentary on the Habré judgment, an article on non-discrimination jurisprudence in the European Court of Human Rights, an article on Danish asylum law and children’s rights, as well as two articles on the subject of proselytisation and human rights. Articles are available from Taylor & Francis for download.

Published Aug. 15, 2016 12:10 PM

Contributions include an article on deference claims and recent deportation cases in the Human Rights Committee, and an article on the development of norms and an international legal framework on prohibition of child soldiers. The issue also features an article on the freedom of speech debate in Norway after 22 July, and an article which analyses the Norwegian Immigration Appeals Board’s assessments of asylum-seeking children’s affiliation to Norway. Articles are available from Taylor & Francis for download.

Published May 30, 2016 1:28 PM

This issue features a timely article on the need for a closer relationship between fiscal transparency and human rights, and an article which offers a critical analysis of how the UN Human Rights Council conceives of traditional cultural practices. The latest issue also highlights the transition to an inclusive education system for disabled children, and features a reflection piece on human rights and dignity in health care. Articles are available from Taylor & Francis for download.

Published Feb. 3, 2016 4:19 PM

This Special Issue on Human Rights, Sexual Orientation, and Gender Identity examines whether, how, and to what extent human rights of LGBTI persons are upheld. It discusses how international, regional, and national law have responded to the wide range of human rights violations ten years after the adoption of the Yogyakarta Principles. Article are available from Taylor & Francis for download.