Democracy, human rights, and the design of international institutions (completed)

The project addresses constitutional and institutional issues in the political theory of human rights and asks questions like: How could we resolve the value conflict between human rights and democracy, and at what costs? And: Should and could international human rights institutions be reformed in order to achieve a more desirable institutional design?

About the project

Within the broader project Should states ratify human rights conventions?, hosted by the Centre for Advanced Study in the academic year 2009–10, I do research at the intersection of international and political theory, with a special interest in democratic theory and cosmopolitanism.

My current contributions to the project mainly address two issues: the normative relation between human rights and democracy and the design of international human rights institutions. In addition to that, I am also in the process of publishing other papers on cosmopolitan theory and democratic theory. 


My research will mainly result in a number of articles aimed for publication with leading international peer-reviewed academic journals.


Project period

November 2009 to October 2012.

Theoretical basis

I mainly draw upon three partly overlapping domains of political theory in my research: International theory, democratic theory and global justice theory.  


My postdoc fellowship is funded by the Norwegian Research Council and the Faculty of Law, University of Oslo. 

Tags: democracy, human rights, international institutions
Published Mar. 12, 2010 12:35 PM - Last modified Nov. 9, 2018 1:28 PM


Johan Magnus Karlsson


  • Johan Karlsson Schaffer University of Oslo
Detailed list of participants