

Time and place: , Domus Juridica 7227

Welcome to this guest lecture by Lyra Çela on the recognition and enforcement of judgements under the constraints of the right to a fair trial under Article 6 of the ECHR.

Time and place: , Room 7227, Domus Juridica 

In this lecture, guest researcher Valon Kashtanjeva will be talking about the role of the practice of the ECtHR in Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) enforcement. Particularly, the engagement of the ECtHR on IPR issues under the property provision, and in the light of balancing IPR with other fundamental rights.

Time and place: , Room 7227, 7th Floor, Domus Juridica

In this seminar, guest researcher Bashkim Jupolli looks into the Kosovo Specialist Chambers and the Specialist Prosecutor's Office. The accused's right to information in these chambers is compared with practices from other international criminal courts and tribunals.