Goda Ambrasaite, Mykolas Romeris University:
Civil Appeal Procedure.
Bård Anders Andreassen, University of Oslo:
Ethnicity, Rationality and Uncertainty. Reconstructing Political Orders in Multi-ethnic Polities: The Case of Kenya.

Marius Emberland, University of Oxford:
Companies before the European Court of Human Rights.
Jonas Grimheden, Lund University:
Themis v. Xiezhi: Assessing Judicial Independence in the People's Republic of China under International Human Rights Law.

Märta C. Johanson, Åbo Akademi University:
Self-Determination and Borders. The Obligation to Show Consideration for The Interest of Others.

Sari Kouvo, University of Gothenburg:
Making Just Rights? Mainstreaming Women's Human Rights and a Gender Perspective.

Gro Nystuen, University of Oslo:
Striking a balance between achieving peace and protecting human rights - Conflicts between norms regarding ethnic discrimination in the Dayton Peace Agreement.
Gediminas Sagatys, Mykolas Romeris University:
The right of the child to family relations in the European Convention of Human Rights and fundamental freedoms and in the laws of the Republic of Lithuania.
Published Jan. 23, 2012 8:57 AM - Last modified Jan. 27, 2012 10:09 AM