RIPOCA Oslo Workshop

Day one

09.00-09.30: Welcome and introductions
09.30-10.00: Summary of state of play in 7 country case-studies
10.00-15.00: Presentation and discussion of context mapping [political context study, review of rights discourses, organisational mapping
12.00-01.00: LUNCH
11.00-12.00: South Africa
01.00-02.00: China
03.00-03.30: BREAK
03.30-05.00: Book proposal and reviews
02.00-03.00: Nepal (reported)

Day 2
09.00-12.00:Preliminary findings of synthesis studies:
09.00-10.00: Ghana
10.00-11.00: Kenya
11.00-12.00 :Cambodia
12.00-01.00: LUNCH
01.00-03.00: Presentation and discussion of organisational studies in Zimbabwe, South Africa, Nepal and China
03.00-03.30: BREAK
03.30-04.15: Book: structure of country case-studies chapters
04.15–05.00:Planning of Leeds conference – 2-3 September 2010

Published Apr. 16, 2012 2:44 PM