Midtveisevaluering for Domenico Zipoli

PhD-kandidat Domenico Zipoli presenterer sitt prosjekt til midtveisevaluering. Avhandlingen har følgende arbeidstittel: 

UN Human Rights Treaty Bodies and National Human Rights Institutions:

Assessing Effectiveness and Modes of Influence

Domenico Zipoli

Evalueringen er todelt, og foregår i sin helhet på engelsk.

Først en åpen, tredelt presentasjon der

  • kandidaten presenterer sitt prosjekt,
  • fulgt av kommentarer fra Universitetslektor ved Institutionen för Globala Studier, Universitetet i Gøteborg, Johan Karlsson SchafferVeileder, professor Malcolm Langford  deltar også, og
  • som avslutning en runde for spørsmål og øvrige kommentarer. 

Den andre delen er et møte mellom kandidat, kommentator, veileder og senterledelsen. 

Det inviteres hermed til deltakelse i den åpne delen av evalueringen. 

Domenicos PhD-prosjekt er engelskspråklig, og har altså tittelen: 

UN Human Rights Treaty Bodies and National Human Rights Institutions:

Assessing Effectiveness and Modes of Influence

Han skriver følgende i et abstract:

UN Human Rights Treaty Bodies and National Human Rights Institutions: Assessing Impact and Modes of Influence

Domenico Zipoli, PhD Fellow


UN Human Rights Treaty Bodies are a central pillar of the international human rights protection system, essential in their independent, quasi-judicial monitoring of State Parties’ respect for and implementation of ratified UN Human Rights Treaties. National Human Rights Institutions (NHRIs) function in a similarly independent and quasi-judicial manner, and are today recognized as essential partners in advising both Treaty Bodies and State Parties on compliance with UN human rights treaty standards.

This PhD project wishes to analyse two research questions:

  • How and to what extent does National Human Rights Institutions engagement with Treaty Bodies procedures influence State compliance with Treaty Bodies recommendations?
  • How and to what extent does National Human Rights Institutions engagement with Treaty Bodies procedures influence the issuance of Treaty Bodies recommendations?

In light of the ongoing process of Treaty Body Strengthening and its upcoming 2020 Review by the UN General Assembly, it is important to rationalize the reasons behind the challenges of an expanding Treaty Body System. NHRIs may play an enabling role in bridging the gap between international human rights monitoring and domestic implementation, although the extent of their impact is varied and undefined.  Such state of affairs requires an assessment of Treaty Body– NHRI engagement through a two-way arrow of causation:

  • a top-down approach that wishes to trace whether available Treaty Body - NHRI engagement structures and procedures facilitate implementation of TB recommendations at domestic level and
  • a bottom-up approach that looks into the practical work of NHRIs, in order to understand how their work can feed back into supra-national human rights mechanisms, with a specific focus on the Treaty Body system.


Publisert 12. sep. 2018 13:39 - Sist endret 1. okt. 2018 14:12