Midtveisevaluering for Natalia Torres Zuniga

PhD-kandidat Natalia Torres Zuniga  presenterer sitt prosjekt til midtveisevaluering. Avhandlingen har følgende tittel: 

Judicial Review by the Inter-American Court of Human Rights:

A Critical Assessment of Its Democratic Legitimacy

Natalia Torres Zuniga 

Evalueringen er todelt, og foregår i sin helhet på engelsk.

Først en åpen, tredelt presentasjon der

  • kandidaten presenterer sitt prosjekt,
  • fulgt av kommentarer fra Senior Lecturer in International Law/Co-Director, Centre for Critical International Law, Kent Law School, Senior Fellow. Melbourne Law School og Int'l Professor. Universidad Externado de Colombia, Luis Eslava, Veileder, professor Malcolm Langford og biveileder, forsker Johan Karlsson Schaffer  deltar også, og
  • som avslutning en runde for spørsmål og øvrige kommentarer. 

Den andre delen er et møte mellom kandidat, kommentator, veileder og enhetsledelsen. 

Det inviteres hermed til deltakelse i den åpne delen av evalueringen. 

Natalias PhD-prosjekt er engelskspråklig, og har altså tittelen: 

Judicial Review by the Inter-American Court of Human Rights:

A Critical Assessment of Its Democratic Legitimacy

Hun skriver følgende i et abstract: 

The research critically analyzes two legal discourses on the democratic legitimacy of the Inter American Court of Human Rights (IACtHR) concerning its powers to review national decisions (legislation, referendums, judicial decisions) and to order the amendment of legal acts, constitutional clauses, among other type of general measures. The two legal discourses are apparently in opposition since they both have a different understanding of the democratic origins and democratic outcomes that justifies the activism of the Court. The project is grounded on some tenets of the Marxist legacy like the concept of ideology, the narrative of progress, the idea of root causes, among others.  These ideas allow analyzing whether the two discourses on the democratic legitimacy of the IACtHR are in real opposition or if they are just similar. Likewise, those concepts are a tool to call into question the legal narratives that profile the Court as a pivotal actor of democratic transformation in the region.

The research questions of the project are:

  • What are the core contents of the two discourses on the democratic legitimacy of the IACtHR?
  • To what extent the two discourses on the democratic legitimacy are in real confrontation?
Publisert 27. nov. 2017 12:36 - Sist endret 20. jan. 2020 14:13