Nordisk Tidsskrift for Menneskerettigheter
Nordic Journal of Human Rights
Vol. 24, Nr.1:2006


Sanna Hyttinen
A Second View from Elsewhere - The EU Debate on the Justiciability of Fundamental Social Rights and the International Justiciability Discourse

Gro B. Ween
Sedvaner og sedvanerett: Oversettelsesproblemer i møte mellom rettsvesen, samer og antropologi

Gorana Ognjenovic
Which Globalisation? Whose Rights?

Sabelo Gumedze
The promotion of development under the African Union


Heidi Mork Lomell
Menneskerettigheter er vel og bra, men for hvem? Offeret eller gjerningsmannen?


Olle Törnquist
Beyond the confusion of rights and democracy – assessing Beetham’s democracy assessment


Mathias Klang and Andrew Murray (eds.): Human Rights in
the Digital Age

Reviewed by Lee Bygrave

Manfred Nowak: UN Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. CCPR Commentary
Anmeldt av Petter Wille

Christof Heyns (ed.): Compendium of Key Human Rights Documents of the African Union
Reviewed by Girmachew Aneme

Ny litteratur

Redigert av Hege Langlo