Nordisk Tidsskrift for Menneskerettigheter
Nordic Journal of Human Rights
Vol. 25, Nr.4:2007


Karin Buhmann
Corporate Social Responsibility and Business Responsibilities for Human Rights

David Kinley and Justine Nolan
Trading and Aiding Human Rights: Corporations in the Global Economy

Radu Mares
Some Elements in Knowledge Gaps on Business and Human Rights with Regard to a Future Research Agenda

Morton Emanuel Winston
Social Dialogue and the Legitimation of Corporate Human Rights Policies

Andreas Follesdal
Ethical investment and human rights: A Norwegian case


Jan Klabbers
Theodor Meron: The Humanization of International Law

Ny litteratur

Redigert av Betty Haugen og Eva Höglund; med bidrag fra Lena Olsson og Karen Lise Thylstrup