
Andreas Follesdal and Marlene Wind
Introduction – Nordic Scepticism toward Judicial Review

Current National Practices in the Nordic Countries

Joakim Nergelius
Judicial Review in Swedish Law – A Critical Analysis

Inger-Johanne Sand
Judicial Review in Norway under Recent Conditions of European Law and International Human Rights Law – A Comment

Sten Schaumburg-Müller
Parliamentary Precedence in Denmark – a Jurisprudential Assessment

Ragnhildur Helgadottir
Status Presens – Judicial Review in Iceland

Toumas Ojane
From Constitutional Periphery toward the Center – Transformations of Judicial Review in Finland

Explanatory strategies and normative assessments of hesitant judicial review in Nordic Countries

Palle Svensson
Conceptions of Democracy and Judicial Review

Uffe Jakobsen
Conceptions of “Nordic Democracy” and European Integration

Mats Lundstrøm
Value Relativism, Procedural Democracy and Opinion Representation – Reflections on Three Conceptual Underpinnings of Swedish Anti-Constitutionalism

Hege Skjeie
Policy Views on the Incorporation of Human Rights Conventions –The Doctrine of “Appropriate Restrictionism” in Norway

Marlene Wind
When Parliament Comes First – The Danish Concept of Democracy Meets the European Union

Andreas Follesdal
Why the European Court on Human Rights might be Democratically Legitimate – A Modest Defense




Publisert 25. aug. 2009 12:10 - Sist endret 8. des. 2009 13:58