Siste publikasjoner

Oversikt over våre siste 100 publikasjonene registrert i Cristin.

  • Tømte, Aksel (2024). Introduction. I Tømte, Aksel & Riyadi, Eko (Red.), International Human Rights and Local Courts - Human Rights Interpretation in Indonesia. Routledge. ISSN 9781032555959. doi: 104324/9781003431350.
  • Saul, Matthew William (2024). Local authorities at the European Court of Human Rights. International Journal of Human Rights. ISSN 1364-2987. doi: 10.1080/13642987.2024.2354172.
  • Elster, Jakob & Holst, Cathrine (2024). Philosophy, Policy, and Moral Expertise. Res Publica. ISSN 1356-4765. doi: 10.1007/s11158-023-09651-x.
  • Gagliardi, Silvia; Carolan, Eoin; Banerjee, Somsubhra; Seifert Iglesias, Demian Ernesto & Rodriguez Gutierrez, Daniela (2024). The Influence of Popular Conceptions of National and Constitutional Identity on the Position of Marginalized or Minority Groups within a Nation State. A Legal, Empirical, and Comparative Analysis of Four Jurisdictions through the Prism of Gender, Populist Discourse, and Human Rights. Latin American Legal Studies. ISSN 0719-9112.
  • Reiners, Nina (2023). 2. Reiners, Nina (2023): Expert Bodies and Organizational Culture(s) in International Organizations, in: Handbook on Governance in International Organizations, ed. by Alistair D. Edgar, Edward Elgar, 107-121. I Edgar, Alistair (Red.), Handbook on Governance in International Organizations, ed. by Alistair D. Edgar, Edward Elgar, 107-121.. Edward Elgar Publishing. ISSN 978 1 80088 492 2.
  • Reiners, Nina (2023). Reiners, Nina (2023): Transnational Lawmaking Coalitions as Change Agents in International Law, in: The Many Paths of Change in International Law, ed. by Nico Krisch and Ezgi Yildiz, Oxford University Press, 89-106. . I Krisch, Nico & Yildiz, Ezgi (Red.), The Many Paths of Change in International Law, ed. by Nico Krisch and Ezgi Yildiz, Oxford University Press.. Oxford University Press. ISSN 9780198877844.
  • Reiners, Nina (2023). Reiners, Nina (2023): States as Bystanders of Legal Change: Alternative Paths for the Human Rights to Water and Sanitation in International Law. Leiden Journal of International Law, online first. . Leiden Journal of International Law. ISSN 0922-1565. 37(1), s. 22–41.
  • Reiners, Nina (2023). Reiners, Nina (2023): The Power of Interpersonal Relationships: A Socio-Legal Approach to International Institutions and Human Rights Advocacy. Review of International Studies, online first. Review of International Studies. ISSN 0260-2105. 50(2), s. 252–270.
  • Reiners, Nina (2023). “Lesch, Max and Nina Reiners (2023): Informal Human Rights Lawmaking: How Treaty Bodies Use General Comments to Develop International Law. Global Constitutionalism 12(2), 378-401. Global Constitutionalism. ISSN 2045-3817. 12(2), s. 378–401.
  • Anstis, Siena Sofia Magdalena; Al-Jizawi, Noura & Deibert, Ronald J. (2023). TRANSNATIONAL REPRESSION AND THE DIFFERENT FACES OF SOVEREIGNTY. Temple law review. ISSN 0899-8086. 95(4), s. 641–660.
  • Carmona, Lorena Munoz (2023). Synergies or silos? Exploring human rights considerations in sustainability reporting practices in the Nordics. Netherlands Quarterly of Human Rights (NQHR). ISSN 0924-0519. doi: 10.1177/09240519231223692.
  • Anstis, Siena Sofia Magdalena (2023). REGULATING TRANSNATIONAL DISSIDENT CYBER ESPIONAGE. International and Comparative Law Quarterly. ISSN 0020-5893. 73(1), s. 259–274. doi: 10.1017/S0020589323000532.
  • Årsheim, Helge (2023). Religionsrett, norsk lov og menneskerettigheter. Innrettet mot offentlige institusjoner, prestetjeneste og tros- og livssynstjeneste. I Aschim, Per Kristian & Johannessen, Halvard (Red.), Spesialprest i livssynsåpent samfunn. Cappelen Damm Akademisk. ISSN 978-82-02-83163-9. s. 185–201. doi: 10.23865/noasp.207.ch8.
  • Kjærgaard, Siff Lund (2023). Examining Gender Equality in Greenland in the Last Thirty Years An Investigation through the Lens of the CEDAW Convention’s Examinations. Sibirica: Interdisciplinary Journal of Siberian Studies. ISSN 1361-7362. 22(1), s. 82–108. doi: 10.3167/SIB.2023.220105.
  • Elster, Jakob (2023). Policy-Development and Deference to Moral Experts. Res Publica. ISSN 1356-4765. doi: 10.1007/s11158-022-09577-w.
  • Nahalomo, Aziiza; Iversen, Per Ole; Andreassen, Bård A.; Kaaya, Archileo Natigo; Rukooko, Archangel Byaruhanga & Rukundo, Peter Milton (2023). Food insecurity, dietary diversity and the right to adequate food among households in landslide-prone communities in Eastern Uganda: A cohort study. PLOS ONE. ISSN 1932-6203. 18(4). doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0283078. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Gerhard, Kemp & Ntahiraja, Bernard (2023). Africa. I Alan, Reed & Bohlander, Michael (Red.), Fault in Criminal Law. A research companion. Routledge. ISSN 978-1-032-24539-3. s. 288–309.
  • Reiners, Nina (2022). Reiners, Nina (2022): Internationale Organisationen & NGOs als Wissensakteure, in: Herrschaft und Wissen, ed. by Gunnar Folke Schuppert, Nomos, 241-264. . I Schuppert, Gunnar (Red.), Herrschaft und Wissen, ed. by Gunnar Folke Schuppert, Nomos.. Nomos. ISSN 978-3-8487-6943-8.
  • Reiners, Nina (2022). Reiners, Nina (2022): Self-Agentification by Experts: A Mechanism for Human Rights Lawmaking; Forum The Why and How of Global Governors: Relational Agency in World Politics, with Deloffre, Maryam Z.; Hofferberth, Matthias; Holzscheiter, Anna; Koch, Martin; Lambach, Daniel; Ronit, Karsten. International Studies Review 24 (4), . International Studies Review. ISSN 1521-9488.
  • Fleischer, Julia & Reiners, Nina (2022). Connecting International Relations and Public Administration: Toward A Joint Research Agenda for the Study of International Bureaucracy. International Studies Review. ISSN 1521-9488. doi: 10.1093/isr/viaa097.
  • Lindholm, Tore (2022). Conceptual Underpinnings and Public Grounds of Human Rights- With an Upbeat Prospect on Religion - based Support of Human Rights. I Larsen, Lena; Pratiwi, Cekli S.; Scharffs, Brett G. & Lindholm, Tore (Red.), "Ham Syariat: Sebuah Kajian" "Sharia and Human Rights: A Courseboook" . Mizan. ISSN 978-602-441-167-1. s. 606–634.
  • Gagliardi, Silvia; Valverde-Cano, Ana & Rice, Orlaith (2022). ¿Qué dificulta la investigación de delitos de odio por motivos de género?: perspectivas de cuerpos policiales de Irlanda y el Reino Unido'. I de Lamo, Irene (Red.), 'Lo personal es jurídico. Apuntes para pensar el derecho desde la teoría feminista'. Atelier. ISSN 978-84-18780-75-2. s. 169–181.
  • Zyberi, Gentian & Sánchez Madrigal, Eduardo (2022). The practice of judicial and quasi-judicial human rights bodies on conscientious objection to military service. I Wiener, Michael & Fernández Puyana, David (Red.), A Missing Piece for Peace: Bringing Together the Right to Peace and Freedom of Conscientious Objection to Military Service. UPEACE Press. ISSN 978-9930-542-43-9. s. 121–139.
  • Boshoff, Elsabe & Damtew, Samrawit Getaneh (2022). The potential of litigating children’s rights in the climate crisis before the African Committee of Experts on the Rights and Welfare of the Child. African Human Rights Law Journal. ISSN 1996-2096. 22(2), s. 328–361. doi: 10.17159/1996-2096/2022/v22n2a1.
  • Ntahiraja, Bernard (2022). Universal Jurisdiction and the Extraordinary African Chambers in the Senegalese Judicial System: Towards a Replicable Enforcement Model? I Niyungeko, Gérard (Red.), African Yearbook of International law, volume 24. Brill|Nijhoff. ISSN 978-90-04-50971-9. s. 272–299.
  • Zhou, Yong (2022). Informe por regiones y países – China, Compilación y edición: Dwayne Mamo, El Mundo Indígena 2022. IWGIA. ISSN 1024-4573. s. 197–208.
  • Zhou, Yong (2022). Regional and country reports - China (with a special focus on the contribution and situation of Indigenous women and their rights). The Indigenous World. ISSN 1024-0217. s. 189–199.
  • Nahalomo, Aziiza; Iversen, Per Ole; Andreassen, Bård A.; Kaaya, Archileo Natigo; Rukooko, Archangel Byaruhanga & Rukundo, Peter Milton (2022). Seasonality- and disaster effects on food variety and food insecurity coping strategies among a landslide-prone cohort. Clinical Nutrition ESPEN. ISSN 2405-4577. 52, s. 229–239. doi: 10.1016/j.clnesp.2022.11.005.
  • Andreassen, Bård A. (2022). No Water, No Life: On the Basic Human Right to Water. Haki Journal of Human Rights. ISSN 2789-9845. 1(1), s. 12–22.
  • Nahalomo, Aziiza; Iversen, Per Ole; Andreassen, Bård A.; Kaaya, Archileo Natigo; Rukooko, Archangel Byaruhanga & Tushabe, Gerald [Vis alle 8 forfattere av denne artikkelen] (2022). Malnutrition and Associated Risk Factors among Children 6-59 Months Old in the Landslide-Prone Bududa District, Eastern Uganda: A Cohort Study. Current Developments in Nutrition (CDN). ISSN 2475-2991. 6(2), s. 1–15. doi: 10.1093/cdn/nzac005.
  • Akal, Ayse Bala (2022). Third Country Processing Regimes and the Violation of the Principle of Non-Refoulement: a Case Study of Australia’s Pacific Solution. Journal of International Migration and Integration. ISSN 1488-3473. doi: 10.1007/s12134-022-00948-z.
  • Reiners, Nina (2021). Reiners, Nina (2021): Despite or Because of Contestation? How Water became a Human Right. Human Rights Quarterly 43 (2), 329-343. . Human Rights Quarterly. ISSN 0275-0392.
  • Reiners, Nina (2021). Fleischer, Julia and Nina Reiners (2021): Connecting International Relations and Public Administration: Toward A Joint Research Agenda for the Study of International Bureaucracy. International Studies Review 23 (4), 1230-1247. . International Studies Review. ISSN 1521-9488.
  • Carolan, Eoin; Gagliardi, Silvia; Glennon, Seana & O’Neill, Ailbhe (2021). 'Ireland: Legal Response to Covid-19’. I King, Jeff & Ferraz, Octavio (Red.), The Oxford compendium of national legal responses to Covid-19. Oxford University Press. ISSN 9780191943676 . s. 287–318. doi: 10.1093/law-occ19/e19.013.19.
  • Zhou, Yong (2021). Informe por regiones y países – China, Compilación y edición: Dwayne Mamo, El Mundo Indígena . IWGIA. ISSN 1024-4573. s. 206–215.
  • Zhou, Yong (2021). Regional and country reports - China (with a special focus on indigenous peoples and COVID-19). The Indigenous World. ISSN 1024-0217. s. 194–203.

Se alle arbeider i Cristin

  • Tømte, Aksel & Riyadi, Eko (2024). International Human Rights and Local Courts - Human Rights Interpretation in Indonesia. Routledge. ISBN 9781032555959. 180 s.
  • Tømte, Aksel & Riyadi, Eko (2023). Metodologi Hukum Hak Asasi Manusia. Rajawali Press. ISBN 9786230804045. 412 s.
  • Andreassen, Bård A. (2023). Research Handbook on the Politics of Human Rights Law . Edward Elgar Publishing. ISBN 9781789908824. 510 s.
  • Reiners, Nina (2023). Reiners, Nina (2022, paperback 2023): Transnational Lawmaking Coalitions for Human Rights, Cambridge University Press. . Cambridge University Press. ISBN 9781108969994. 214 s.
  • Jones, Peris Sean (2023). Economic and Social Rights and the City. Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780197550052. 19 s.
  • Jones, Peris Sean (2023). Human Rights and Development. Routledge. ISBN 9781138290181. 325 s.
  • Larsen, Lena; Pratiwi, Cekli S.; Scharffs, Brett G. & Lindholm, Tore (2022). "Ham Syariat: Sebuah Kajian" "Sharia and Human Rights: A Courseboook" . Mizan. ISBN 978-602-441-167-1. 880 s.
  • Torres Zuniga, Natalia (2022). The Inter American Court of Human Rights. The Legitimacy of International Courts and Tribunals. Routledge. ISBN 9781032061375. 213 s.

Se alle arbeider i Cristin

Se alle arbeider i Cristin