Peris Sean Jones

Bilde av Peris Sean Jones
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Telefon +47 22842084
Besøksadresse Kristian August gate 17 Domus Juridica 7.etg 0164 Oslo
Postadresse Postboks 6706 St Olavs plass 0130 Oslo

Background and Interests

Peris Jones is Professor in the Norwegian Centre for Human Rights, Faculty of Law, University of Oslo. Peris has taught, researched and worked on human rights for over 20  years in the University, applied research institute sector and within NGOs. He has a background in development studies and a PhD in human geography and has worked on different methodological and practical aspects of human rights, not least their transformative potential and impact in Southern and Eastern Africa, and Nepal and Western Europe. More recent work seeks to conjoin these interests therefore as geographies of human rights, and the interplay between law, rights and space, particularly in cities across the global North and South and more generally the role of rights in development. 

His most recent book is the entry level text tracing the ideas and practices associated with ‘Human Rights’ and ‘Development’ and how they are associated with efforts to forge a life in dignity, just as they are challenged and contested, in Human Rights and Development (2023, Routledge).

Current projects include being part of developing a Guild/ARUA cluster on Peace and Conflict with several university partners coordinated by the University of Addis Ababa. Some previous projects include localising the SDGs in Nordic countries and the role of human rights in doing so. Another addressed extra-judicial killings, (in-) security and rights in an informal settlement in Nairobi, Kenya (see publications in Urban Studies, and ROAPE), amongst others. Part of the project included the award by the Antipode Foundation Scholar-Activist grant 2016: “Supporting Community Research to Contest the Normalization of Extrajudicial Killings and Everyday Violence in Mathare, Nairobi” (with Wangui Kimari and Mathare Social Justice Centre, Nairobi, Kenya).

He was until end of 2016 Associate Research Fellow at the British Institute for Eastern Africa, Nairobi (2013-2016); also previously Senior Advisor at Save the Children Norway; Senior Researcher at the Norwegian Institute for Urban and Regional Research;Lecturer, Institute of Commonwealth Studies, University of London; Researcher, University of Oslo and, Lecturer, University of Liverpool. He has also held visiting positions at the Centre for the Study of Aids, University of Pretoria, and also the Department of Geography, University of Oslo (Prof. II). 

Recent roles include as Director of the Masters in Human Rights in Theory and Practice programme for over five years until end of 2023, and the first coordinator of the Global Challenges in Human Rights Law, Policy and Practice Research Group and he was also previously editor for the Nordic Journal of Human Rights  (

Peris is also a board member of Scholars at Risk (UiO) and was previously board member of the Norwegian Human Rights Fund.


Courses taught

  • HUMR4504 Human Rights in Practice- course leader
  • HUMR5702 Human Rights and Development- course leader
  • HUMR 5191 Human Rights Methods - course leader
  • HUMR 5132
  • HUMR 5131
  • HUMR5141 Human Rights in Asia- course leader (course not currently available)
  • ISS JF4711 Human Rights- former course leader
  • JFSPR110 Engelsk for jurister


Emneord: Menneskerettigheter, Menneskerettigheter og bærekraftig utvikling


(2024) Contested visions of sustainable development in conflicts over renewable energy, land, and human rights: a case study of Unión Hidalgo, Mexico, Netherlands Quarterly of Human Rights (co-authored with Schwab De La O., L, special issue, forthcoming).

(2023) Human Rights and Development (Routledge,

(2023) Economic and Social Rights and the City, in Oxford Handbook on Economic and Social Rights (Oxford University Press, 2022) (Langford, M and Young, K. eds.). 
(2022) Decolonising Human Rights: The Rise of Nairobi's Social Justice Centres, in The Urban Politics of Human Rights (ed. Oomen, B. et al, Routledge)

(2020) The Precariousness and Paradox of Rights: The impact of reporting on the rights of the child in Kenya, Eritrea and Rwanda, in State Party Reporting and the Realization of Children's Rights in Africa, ed. Miamingi, R. (Pretoria University Law Press), p.95-132.

(2020) Nairobi: The Politics of the Capital in Cheeseman, N., Lynch, G., and Kariuti, K., The Handbook of Kenyan Politics (Oxford University Press), p. 632- 645.

(2019) "Security beyond the men: women and everyday security provision in Mathare, Nairobi", Urban Studies, Vol. 56 (9) pp. 1835–1849 , DOI: 10.1177/0042098018789059 (With Kimari, W.).

(2019) The Politics of the Capital: Nairobi, in Cheeseman, N., Lynch, G., and Kariuti, K., The Handbook of Kenyan Politics (Oxford University Press).

(2018) ‘Human Rights’, in the Handbook of African Development (Routledge).

(2017) Class divide still determines Kenya's urban development, The Star (Newspaper, Kenya).

(2017) Who is next? A Participatory Action research Report Against the Normalization of Extrajudicial Executions in Mathare (with Mathare Social Justice Centre, Nairobi, Kenya) s. 46.

(2017) "Only the people can defend this struggle"': the politics of the everyday, extrajudicial executions and civil society in Mathare, Kenya. Review of African Political Economy, 44:154, 559-576 (With Kimari, W. and Ramakrishnan, K.).

(2016) 'The Insecurities of Security Provision in Nairobi’s Margins'. Plural Security Insights.  blog article

(2016) The Hillsborough 96 and the Struggle for Truth and Justice (Oxford Human Rights Hub,

(2015)  The Impact of Reporting on the Rights of the Child: Kenya case study (University of Pretoria)

(2014) Review of Independent Medico-Legal Unit (Norad).

(2013) 'What kind of hell is this!' Understanding the Mungiki movement's power of mobilisation. Journal of Eastern African Studies.  ISSN 1753-1055.  7(3), s 371- 388 . doi: 10.1080/17531055.2013.794532 (With E, Hernningsen).

(2013) Evaluation of the Southern and Eastern Africa Regional Centre for Women’s Law (SEARCWL) (Norad)

(2013) Combating violence against women – Comparative evaluation of FOKUS’ projects on VAW 2005–2012. ISBN: 978-82-7071-970-9. 151 s. (With Holm-Hansen, J.)

(2013) Health Rights: Politics, Places and the Need for 'Sites for Rights', in Langford et al, Socio-Economic Rights in South Africa:Symbols or Substance: (Cambridge University Press) pp. 226- 252.(With Chingore, N.)

(2012) Mind the gap: Access to ARV medication, rights and the politics of scale in South Africa. Social Science and Medicine.  ISSN 0277-9536 74(1), s 28- 35 . doi: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2010.11.005

(2012) Powering up the people? The politics of indigenous rights implementation: International Labour Organisation Convention 169 and hydroelectric power in Nepal. International Journal of Human Rights.  ISSN 1364-2987 16(4), s 624- 647 . doi: 10.1080/13642987.2011.627175

(2011). Between Demos and Ethnos: The Nepal Constitution and Indigenous Rights . International Journal on Minority and Group Rights.  ISSN 1385-4879 18(3), s 369- 386(With Langford, Malcolm).

(2009) Evaluation of the Swedish/Norwegian Regional HIV/AIDS Team for Africa: Final Report. ISBN: 978-91-586-4105-1. 164 s. SIDA (With Hellevik, Siri Bjerkreim; Aasland, A., Aasen, B.).

(2009) AIDS Treatment and Human Rights in Context (Palgrave Macmillan: New York).

(2008) 'Universal Rights', in Robert Potter & Vandana Desai (ed.),  The Companion to Development Studies.  Hodder Education.  ISBN 978-0340889145.  Kapittel.

(2008) Governance Matters for AIDS: but what about the politics? Lessons from South Africa and Uganda, In Maj-Lis Foller & Hakan Thorn (ed.),  The Politics of AIDS: Globalization, The State and Civil Society.  Palgrave Macmillan.  ISBN 978-0230554023.  Kapittel 7. (With K, Koffeld).

(2005) 'A Test of Governance': Rights-based struggles and the politics of HIV/AIDS policy in South Africa�. Political Geography.  ISSN 0962-6298 24(4), s 419- 447

(2005) "On a never ending waiting list": Towards equitable access to anti-retroviral treatment? Experiences from Zambia. Health and Human Rights: An International Journal.  ISSN 1079-0969 8(2), s 76- 102

 (2005) From democracy deficits to democratising development: The politics of socio-economic rights in South Africa. Economic and Social Rights Review.  ISSN 1684-260X.  6(2), s 2- 5 (With Stokke, Kristian)

(2005) A long way from here to there: Human rights approaches to HIV/AIDS in a local setting. Canadian HIV - AIDS Policy & Law Review.  ISSN 1496-399X.  10(1)(With Zuberi, Farhana) 

(2005) Democratising Development. The Politics of Socio-Economic Rights in South Africa.  Brill Nijhoff.  ISBN 9004148213 (With Stokke, K.)

(2005) Introduction - Democratising Development. The Politics of Socio-Economic Rights, In Peris Sean Jones & Kristian Stokke (ed.),  Democratising Development. The Politics of Socio-Economic Rights in South Africa.  Brill Nijhoff.  ISBN 9004148213.  1.  s 1 - 38

(2004) 'A test of governance': Rights-based struggles and the politics of HIV/AIDS policy in South Africa. Research Notes.  ISSN 1503-1349.  (1)

(2004) Of Gifts and Return Gifts: Beyond the political and practical deficits of donor assistance in an era of Aids. Development Update 5(3), s 157- 182

(2004) When 'Development' Devastates: Donor Discourses, access to HIV/AIDS treatment in Africa and rethinking the landscape of development. Third World Quarterly.  ISSN 0143-6597 25(2), s 385- 404

(2003)  Enhancing Spaces of inclusion? Power, participation in governance and the urban regeneration litany, In Ronaldo Munch (ed.),  Reinventing the City? Liverpool in Comparative Perspective.  Liverpool University Press.  ISBN 0853238073.  chapter 4.  s 80 - 108

(2003) When "development" devastates: Donor Discourses, access to HIV/AIDS treatment in Africa and rethinking the landscape of development. Research Notes.  ISSN 1503-1349.  (01), s 1- 28

(2003) Urban regeneration's poisoned chalice: Is there an impasse in (community) participation-based policy?. Urban Studies.  ISSN 0042-0980 40(3), s 581- 601

(2002). Poverty Reduction: What role for the state in today's Globalized Economy?, Francis Wilson, Nazneen Kanji and Einar Braathen (eds), London, Zed Books. IDPR. International Development Planning Review.  ISSN 1474-6743 24(2)

(2002) The Etiquette of State-Building and Modernisation in Dependent States: Performing Stateness and the normalisation of separate development in South Africa. Geoforum.  ISSN 0016-7185 33(1), s 25- 40

(2000)The Basic Assumptions as Regards the Nature andRequirements of a Capital City’: Identity, Modernization and Urban Form at Mafikeng’s Margins. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, Volume 24.1 March

(1999) ‘To come together for progress’: modernization and nation-building in South Africa’s bantustan periphery. Journal of SouthernAfrican Studies 25.4, 579–605.

(1999) 'From nation-hood to regionalism to the North West Province:‘Baphuthats-wananess’ and the birth of the New South Africa'. AfricanAffairs 98, 509–34



Project management:

2016-2018: Extra judicial killings, (in)security and rights in Mathare informal settlement - including Beyond the Men: security ( ies ) and the daily life of Women and Children in Mathare, Nairobi (BIEA); and Who is next? A Participatory Action research Report Against the Normalization of Extrajudicial Executions in Mathare (Antipode).

2016a. ‘Informing policy on plural security provision in urban contexts:

Comparative insights from Lebanon, Kenya, and Tunisia’: co-ordinator of local field work Nairobi, and peer review (Clingendael, Netherlands).

2015- to present- Nairobi Becoming: a multi-authored ethnographic portrait of a 21st century African City: co-editor book project (BIEA, Nairobi).

2014a- to present- Silhouette City: Between a Rock and a Hard Place: Agency and Moral Economy in the ‘war of Mathare’ (Book project, with support from BIEA).

2014b. Review of the Independent Medico-Legal Unit, Kenya (Norad)

2014c. The Impact of Child Rights Reporting: East Africa Co-ordinator and Kenyan Case Study (University of Pretoria).

2013. Evaluation of the Southern and Eastern African Regional Centre for Woman’s law. (Team leader) (Norad).

2012. Evaluation of Violence Against Women Programme, FOKUS (Team member responsible for study of South Africa, and multi-country desk reviews).

2011. Accommodating, or, Exacerbating Difference? The Politics of implementation of International Labour Organisation Convention 169 and deeper democratisation in Nepal (Team leader, Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs).

2010a. ‘Crisis and Regeneration of the Self: The Mungiki Movement’s Power of Mobilisation’ (with Henningsen, E).

‘Helping or hindering?’: ILO 169 in Nepal’- Indigenous rights in Nepal (Norwegian Ministry Foreign Affairs).

2010b. ‘End of Programme Report: The South Africa Programme’ (Norwegian Centre for Human Rights), December.

2009.‘Evaluation of Swedish-Norwegian African HIV/AIDS Team’ (Sida)- (Team Leader of a multi-country evaluation: including Zambia, South Africa, Tanzania).

2009. ‘The ILO Convention 169- Status and impacts on indigenous peoples in Nepal’ (Norad).

2008. ‘Review of the Centre for Property Rights and Development’ (Norad) (Team leader).


  • O, Lorena Schwab De La & Jones, Peris Sean (2024). Contested visions of sustainable development in conflicts over renewable energy, land, and human rights: A case study of Unión Hidalgo, Mexico. Netherlands Quarterly of Human Rights (NQHR). ISSN 0924-0519. doi: 10.1177/09240519231223655. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Andreassen, Bård A.; Jones, Peris Sean; Zyberi, Gentian; Joaquim, Yannick Bernardo & Neto, Agostinho (2020). COVID-19: Human rights trade-offs, challenges and policy response. NCHR Occasional Paper Series. ISSN 2464-3297.
  • Jones, Peris Sean (2020). The precariousness and paradox of rights: The impact of reporting on the rights of the child in Kenya, Eritrea and Rwanda . I Miamingi, Remember (Red.), State party reporting and the realization of children's rights in Africa. Pretoria University Law Press (PULP). ISSN 978-1-920538-87-3. s. 95–132.
  • Jones, Peris Sean (2020). Nairobi: The Politics of the Capital. I Cheeseman, Nic; Kanyinga, Karuti & Lynch, Gabrielle (Red.), The Handbook of Kenyan Politics. Oxford University Press. ISSN 9780198815693. s. 632–645. doi: DOI:%2010.1093/oxfordhb/9780198815693.013.44. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Jones, Peris Sean & Wangui, Kimari (2018). Security beyond the men: Women and their everyday security apparatus in Mathare informal settlement, Nairobi. Urban Studies. ISSN 0042-0980. 56 (9), s. 1835–1849. doi: 10.1177/0042098018789059. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Jones, Peris Sean (2018). Human Rights in Africa: impasse, backsliding, or forwards? . I Binns, Tony; Lynch, Kenneth & Nel, Etienne (Red.), The Routledge Handbook of African Development. Routledge. ISSN 978-1-138-89029-9. s. 628–636.
  • Jones, Peris Sean; Kimari, Wangui & Ramakrishnan, Kavita (2017). 'Only the people can defend this struggle': the politics of the everyday, extrajudicial executions and civil society in Mathare, Kenya. Review of African Political Economy. ISSN 0305-6244. 44(154), s. 559–576. doi: 10.1080/03056244.2016.1269000. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Jones, Peris Sean (2013). The Dirty Work of Public Health: Politics, Policy, Prejudice, and Human rights in a time of HIV/AIDS. I Smith, Raymond A. (Red.), Global HIV/AIDS Politics, Policy, and Activism. Praeger. ISSN 9780313399459. s. 91–111. doi: 10.7577/nibr/notat/2009/114.
  • Jones, Peris Sean (2013). Health Rights Politics, Places and the Need for ‘Sites for Rights’ . I Langford, Malcolm (Red.), Socio-Economic Rights in South Africa. Cambridge University Press. ISSN 1107021146. s. 226–252.
  • Henningsen, Erik & Jones, Peris Sean (2013). 'What kind of hell is this!' Understanding the Mungiki movement's power of mobilisation. Journal of Eastern African Studies. ISSN 1753-1055. 7(3), s. 371–388. doi: 10.1080/17531055.2013.794532.
  • Jones, Peris Sean (2012). Powering up the people? The politics of indigenous rights implementation: International Labour Organisation Convention 169 and hydroelectric power in Nepal. International Journal of Human Rights. ISSN 1364-2987. 16(4), s. 624–647. doi: 10.1080/13642987.2011.627175.
  • Jones, Peris Sean (2012). Mind the gap: Access to ARV medication, rights and the politics of scale in South Africa. Social Science and Medicine. ISSN 0277-9536. 74(1), s. 28–35. doi: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2010.11.005.
  • Jones, Peris Sean & Koffeld, Kjersti (2008). Governance Matters for AIDS: but what about the politics? Lessons from South Africa and Uganda. I Foller, Maj-Lis & Thorn, Hakan (Red.), The Politics of AIDS: Globalization, The State and Civil Society. Palgrave Macmillan. ISSN 978-0230554023.
  • Jones, Peris Sean (2008). Universal Rights. I Potter, Robert & Desai, Vandana (Red.), The Companion to Development Studies. Hodder Education. ISSN 978-0340889145.
  • Jones, Peris Sean & Stokke, Kristian (2005). Introduction - Democratising Development. The Politics of Socio-Economic Rights. I Jones, Peris Sean & Stokke, Kristian (Red.), Democratising Development. The Politics of Socio-Economic Rights in South Africa. Brill|Nijhoff. ISSN 9004148213. s. 1–38.
  • Jones, Peris Sean & Zuberi, Farhana (2005). A long way from here to there: Human rights approaches to HIV/AIDS in a local setting. Canadian HIV - AIDS Policy & Law Review. ISSN 1496-399X. 10(1).
  • Jones, Peris Sean (2005). 'A Test of Governance': Rights-based struggles and the politics of HIV/AIDS policy in South Africa�. Political Geography. ISSN 0962-6298. 24(4), s. 419–447.
  • Jones, Peris Sean & Stokke, Kristian (2005). From democracy deficits to democratising development: The politics of socio-economic rights in South Africa. Economic and Social Rights Review. ISSN 1684-260X. 6(2), s. 2–5.
  • Jones, Peris Sean (2005). "On a never ending waiting list": Towards equitable access to anti-retroviral treatment? Experiences from Zambia. Health and Human Rights: An International Journal. ISSN 1079-0969. 8(2), s. 76–102.
  • Jones, Peris Sean (2004). 'A test of governance': Rights-based struggles and the politics of HIV/AIDS policy in South Africa. Research Notes. ISSN 1503-1349.
  • Jones, Peris Sean (2004). When 'Development' Devastates: Donor Discourses, access to HIV/AIDS treatment in Africa and rethinking the landscape of development. Third World Quarterly. ISSN 0143-6597. 25(2), s. 385–404.
  • Jones, Peris Sean (2004). Of Gifts and Return Gifts: Beyond the political and practical deficits of donor assistance in an era of Aids. Development Update. 5(3), s. 157–182.
  • Jones, Peris Sean (2003). Enhancing Spaces of inclusion? Power, participation in governance and the urban regeneration litany. I Munch, Ronaldo (Red.), Reinventing the City? Liverpool in Comparative Perspective. Liverpool University Press. ISSN 0853238073. s. 80–108.
  • Jones, Peris Sean (2003). Urban regeneration's poisoned chalice: Is there an impasse in (community) participation-based policy? Urban Studies. ISSN 0042-0980. 40(3), s. 581–601.
  • Jones, Peris Sean (2003). When "development" devastates: Donor Discourses, access to HIV/AIDS treatment in Africa and rethinking the landscape of development. Research Notes. ISSN 1503-1349. s. 1–28.
  • Jones, Peris Sean (2002). Poverty Reduction: What role for the state in today's Globalized Economy?, Francis Wilson, Nazneen Kanji and Einar Braathen (eds), London, Zed Books. IDPR. International Development Planning Review. ISSN 1474-6743. 24(2).
  • Jones, Peris Sean (2002). The Etiquette of State-Building and Modernisation in Dependent States: Performing Stateness and the normalisation of separate development in South Africa. Geoforum. ISSN 0016-7185. 33(1), s. 25–40.

Se alle arbeider i Cristin

  • Jones, Peris Sean (2023). Economic and Social Rights and the City. Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780197550052. 19 s.
  • Jones, Peris Sean (2023). Human Rights and Development. Routledge. ISBN 9781138290181. 325 s.
  • Jones, Peris Sean (2009). AIDS Treatment and Human Rights in Context. Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 978-0-230-60959-4. 224 s.
  • Jones, Peris Sean & Stokke, Kristian (2005). Democratising Development. The Politics of Socio-Economic Rights in South Africa. Brill|Nijhoff. ISBN 9004148213. 300 s.

Se alle arbeider i Cristin

  • Jones, Peris Sean (2023). Academic freedom and class room perspectives.
  • Jones, Peris Sean (2022). Introduction: Human Rights Defenders Workshop and Public event on Human Rights and Environmental Defenders.
  • Jones, Peris Sean (2022). Decolonising human rights: The rise of Nairobi’s Social Justice Centres. I Oomen, Barbara (Red.), Urban Politics of Human rights. Routledge. ISSN 9781003315544. s. 163–183. doi: 10.4324/9781003315544.
  • Jones, Peris Sean (2022). Content Analysis.
  • Jones, Peris Sean (2022). Research agendas for human rights defenders.
  • Jones, Peris Sean (2022). Panel debate.
  • Jones, Peris Sean & Schwab de la o, Lorena (2022). Contested Visions of sustainable development in renewable energy and human rights conflicts: a case study of Union Hidalgo, Mexico.
  • Jones, Peris Sean (2021). Students as Human rights Defenders.
  • Jones, Peris Sean (2021). Decolonising Human Rights: The Rise of Nairobi's Social Justice Centres, in The Urban Politics of Human Rights.
  • Jones, Peris Sean & Ruud, Jørgen (2020). Sustainable Development Implementation in Norway.
  • Jones, Peris Sean (2020). Seminar: Who Counts?Poverty and Human Rights.
  • Jones, Peris Sean (2020). The SDGs and Human Rights: Pathways to Synergy?
  • Jones, Peris Sean (2020). Migration under COVID-19: International Student Mobility.
  • Jones, Peris Sean (2020). Re-Imagining Human Rights in the Post-Colonial City: The Rise of Nairobi’s Social Justice Centres.
  • Jones, Peris Sean (2019). The Urban ‘turn’ in human rights: pathways towards more inclusive cities.
  • Jones, Peris Sean (2019). Human Rights and the City: Engaging with the 'cry from the streets'.
  • Jones, Peris Sean (2018). Social Rights Judgments and the Politics of Compliance: Making it Stick. Nordic Journal of Human Rights. ISSN 1891-8131. 36(1).
  • Jones, Peris Sean (2017). Whose Space? conflict over public space and the right to the city.
  • Jones, Peris Sean (2017). Security beyond the men: women and everyday security provision in Mathare, Nairobi.
  • Jones, Peris Sean (2017). The Right to Life: Human rights Fact finding and Extra-judicial Executions - evidence form Nairobi.
  • Jones, Peris Sean (2017). Class divide still determines Kenya's urban development. [Avis]. The Star.
  • Jones, Peris Sean (2007). Getting it, faking it and taking it: Access to AIDS medication in a local South African community.
  • Jones, Peris Sean (2007). Beyond barriers: Access to AIDS medication in Southern Africa.
  • Jones, Peris Sean (2006). Human Rights situation in South Africa.
  • Jones, Peris Sean (2006). Still not free to take ARVs. Mail and Guardian newspaper.
  • Jones, Peris Sean (2006). HIV/AIDS: Development and Human Rights Discourse concerning treatment.
  • Jones, Peris Sean (2006). HUman Rights and Development: Access to AIDS treatment.
  • Jones, Peris Sean & Koffeld, Kjersti (2006). Governance matters for AIDS: but what about the politics? Lessons from South Africa and Uganda.
  • Jones, Peris Sean (2006). The Politics of Socio-Economic Rights in South Africa.
  • Jones, Peris Sean (2006). The Politics of Socio-Economic Rights.
  • Jones, Peris Sean (2005). Beyond denial": Human rights, political will and the prevention, care and treatment of HIV/AIDS in post-apartheid South Africa.
  • Jones, Peris Sean (2005). What do human rights do for Development?
  • Jones, Peris Sean (2005). Who will get antiretrovirals in Zambia?
  • Jones, Peris Sean (2005). �Who will get Anti-retroviral medication in Zambia?�.
  • Jones, Peris Sean (2004). The HIV/AIDS Epidemic in South Africa.
  • Jones, Peris Sean (2004). When Development devastates: Donor discourses, access to HIV/AIDS treatment in Africa and rethinking the landscape of development.
  • Jones, Peris Sean (2004). HIV/AIDS and Human Rights, localized understandings: The Tswelopele Project.
  • Jones, Peris Sean (2004). Who will get Antiretrovirals in Southern Africa? Equity and access to medication for HIV/AIDS.
  • Jones, Peris Sean (2004). Discussant to 4 Papers.
  • Jones, Peris Sean (2004). Introduction to The Politics of Socio-Economic Rights in South Africa Conference.
  • Jones, Peris Sean (2004). When Development devastates: Donor discourses, access to HIV/AIDS treatment in Africa and rethinking the landscape of development.
  • Jones, Peris Sean (2003). Human Rights and HIV/AIDS.
  • Jones, Peris Sean (2003). Feilslått HIV/AIDS-bistand i Afrika. [Avis]. Universitas.
  • Jones, Peris Sean (2003). Civil Society and HIV/AIDS in South Africa.
  • Jones, Peris Sean (2003). 'When Development Devastates'.
  • Jones, Peris Sean (2003). Commentary.
  • Jones, Peris Sean (2003). An extraordinary epidemic: Rethinking Prevention, Care & Treatment in a time of HIV/AIDS.
  • Jones, Peris Sean (2002). Urban Regeneration: What is it and why has it become so important? Geography Review. ISSN 0950-7035. 15(5).
  • Jones, Peris Sean (2002). Reinventing the City. Geography Review. ISSN 0950-7035. 16(2).
  • Jones, Peris Sean (2002). Beyond Development's Divisive Geography: Towards geographies of inclusion/exclusion?
  • Ekern, Stener; Jones, Peris Sean; Zyberi, Gentian & Joaquim, Yannick Bernardo (2020). COVID-19: Human rights tradeoffs, challenges and policy responses. Norwegian centre for human rights, UiO. ISSN 2464-3297. 2020(13).
  • Jones, Peris Sean (2017). Who is next? A Participatory Action research Report Against the Normalization of Extrajudicial Executions in Mathare. Mathare Social Justice Centre.
  • Jones, Peris Sean (2015). (2015) The Impact of Reporting on the Rights of the Child: Kenya case study (University of Pretoria). University of Pretoria.
  • Jones, Peris Sean (2014). (2014) Review of Independent Medico-Legal Unit (Norad). Direktoratet for utviklingshjelp - NORAD.
  • Holm-Hansen, Jørn & Jones, Peris (2013). Combating violence against women – Comparative evaluation of FOKUS’ projects on VAW 2005–2012. Norsk institutt for by- og regionforskning. ISSN 978-82-7071-970-9. 2013(2).
  • Jones, Peris; Hellevik, Siri Bjerkreim; Aasland, Aadne & Aasen, Berit (2009). Evaluation of the Swedish/Norwegian Regional HIV/AIDS Team for Africa: Final Report. SIDA. ISSN 978-91-586-4105-1.
  • Zuberi, Farhana & Jones, Peris Sean (2004). �HIV/AIDS stigma and human rights: A localised investigation of Hammanskraal communities�. A report of the Tswelopele Research Project of the Centre for the Study of AIDS. Centre for the Study of AIDS.
  • Jones, Peris Sean (2003). Learning Together. The challenge of applying a human rights approach to education: Lessons and suggestions from Zambia. Norwegian Centre for Human Rights, on behalf of NORAD.
  • Jones, Peris Sean (2003). Civil Society and HIV/AIDS in South Africa: A commentary [The commentary is incorporated into "Review of Norwegian non-governmental organisations' development co-operation with South African partners", by Knut Nustad et al.]. NORAD.

Se alle arbeider i Cristin

Publisert 3. feb. 2017 09:58 - Sist endret 7. des. 2023 17:42