“How high is high! The impeachment process under the U.S. Constitution (and what Trump’s 2019 might look like)

Prof. Stephen Barnes, assistant dean at Penn State Law, will offer a presentation on the impeachment process, and will also present top LL.M. scholarships at Penn State Law to UiO Faculty of Law applicants for 2019-2020”

The presentation is open to all students, and assumes students have limited or no background to the U.S. Constitution.  Professor Barnes will explain the separation of powers doctrine, checks and balances, the impeachment process, how it has been used with three prior sitting presidents and what President Trump will likely face in 2019. 

Prof. Stephen Barnes, Assistant Dean, Penn State Law (Photo: Penn State Law)

Professor Barnes will preface the discussion by introducing Penn State Law's LL.M. Program to UiO Faculty of Law students and how they can apply for top scholarship awards for academic year 2019-2020.

Publisert 8. jan. 2019 14:44 - Sist endret 9. jan. 2019 10:46