The American University Washington College of Law Summer Program on International Organizations, Law and Diplomacy in Washington and Geneva

The American University Washington College of Law Summer Program on International Organizations, Law and Diplomacy in Washington and Geneva combines legal, diplomatic, and social scientific approaches to the study of multilateralism.

The theory and practice of contemporary international organizations, law and diplomacy is taught through courses on important global issues including international development, regional organizations, world trade, intellectual property rights, human rights, international humanitarian law, environmental protection. For more information and to apply, please visit our website at

2012 Courses

Washington: May 29 - June 15, 2012

  • The Law of International Organizations
  • International Development Organizations (World Bank, IMF)
  • The Law and Politics of the International Criminal Court
  • Law and Diplomacy in Regional Organizations (ASEAN, OAS, AU)
  • European Union Law, Policy and Diplomacy
  • International Organizations, Law and Diplomacy in Crisis Situations: Aggressive Force & War Crimes
  • International Institutions and Environmental Protection

Geneva: June 19 - July 6, 2012 (participants take two of the following courses)

  • International Intellectual Property at the World Intellectual Property Organization
  • The International Labor Organization: Decent Work Agenda
  • The World Trade Organization: Rule Making and Dispute Settlement
  • Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law: Current Challenges
Publisert 16. des. 2011 13:07