Author's workshop: 17-18 October 2011

Author’s workshop “The European Court of Human Rights in a national, European and international context” 17.-18. October 2011, University of Oslo, Faculty of Law.



Where to stay:

All participants stay at Hotel Europa (address: St Olavs gate 31, 0166 Oslo. Telephone:+47 23 25 63 00). For directions how to get there



Monday 17 October

19:30 : joint dinner at Havsmak, Restaurant Havsmak / Henrik Ibsens Gate 4 / 0255 Oslo / tlf.: 24 13 38 00. For directions


Tuesday 18 October

09:00-09:15 Introduction by Geir, Andreas and Birgit

09:15-10:00 Procedural aspects (Ian Cameron)

10:00-10:45: The margin of appreciation (Yutaka Arai-Takahashi)

10:45-11:00 Coffee and fruit

11:00-11:45 Dynamic interpretation (George Letsas)

11:45-12:30 Remedies (Philip Leach)

12:30-13:30 Lunch – Scandic Hotel Ederkoppen, St. Olavs Plass 1, 0165 Oslo.                                                                                                                                         

13:30-14:15 The reception and implementation of the ECHR by national courts (Mads Andenæs and Eirik Bjørge)

14:15-15:00 The Court as part of the Council of Europe: The Parliamentary Assembly and the Committee of Ministers (Elisabeth Lambert-Abdelgawad)

15:00-15:15 Coffee and fruit

15:15-16:00 Attribution of responsibility/the substantive law aspects (Christian Tomuschat)

16:00-17:30 Joint discussion

From 18:00: departure

Published Oct. 5, 2011 5:27 PM - Last modified Oct. 17, 2011 2:46 PM