The EU Commissions IP Action Plan

Welcome to this half day seminar on "EU commissions IP action plan". The seminar is part of our series "MIK Agenda" with financing from The Norwegian Research Council.

The seminar is open for all interested. 

symbols, blue



Please note that the last session of the programme (11:30-12:30) will be held in Norwegian.

08:30-09:00   Coffee/tea and fresh fruit

09:00-09:15   Introduction
- Inger Berg Ørstavik, Professor, University of Oslo

09:15-10:00   The European Commission’s proposal for a regulation on standard essential patents (SEPs)
- Uta Schneider, Vice President Government Affairs, Marconi /Avanci

10:00-10:30   EU-wide compulsory licenses to patents – a semi-solution to a continued distortion of the internal market?
- Bisma Rasool, Associate, Haavind AS

10:30-11:00   Coffee/tea break

11:00-11:30   Compulsory Licensing: Why It Exists, and What International Rules Say About Its Legality
- Daniel Gervais, Professor, Vanderbilt University and Professor II, University of Oslo

11:30-12:30   Enhetspatentet får følge av enhetsSPC. Også klassiske SPC blir sentralisert.
- Ida Gjessing, Partner, Gjessing Reimers AS
- Kommentar ved Magnus Hauge Greaker, Thommessen

12:30  Lunch


Please register your participation. Deadline: 1 December.

Published Oct. 24, 2023 11:28 AM - Last modified Oct. 27, 2023 9:36 AM