Research publications at the NRCCL


Doctoral Theses
Doctoral theses written by current and former researchers at the Norwegian Research Center for Computers & Law and at the Section for eGovernment Studies. The list includes both book publications and versions of the text actually distributed during the public defence of the thesis.

Books and collections of articles
Books and collections of articles by current and former staff at the Norwegian Research Center for Computers & Law and at the Section for eGovernment Studies.

Complex (ComputerLex)
The series was started in 1981 and since then, more than two hundred titles have been published.  Student dissertations, committee reports, conference papers, etc. written primarily by staff of the Norwegian Research Center for Computers & Law are published in the series.

Jus og EDB series
The Jus og EDB (law and electronic data processing) series was issued during the time that the Norwegian Research Center for Computers & Law was called Section for Electronic Data Processing, Department for Private Law.  The first booklet was published in 1971 and the last one was published in 1981.  The series was replaced that same year by Complex.

Nordic yearbook of computers and laws
The yearbook is a collaborative project between the Nordic computers and law milieu and has been published since 1984.

The Section for eGovernment Studies’ Notes series
The Notes Series was established in 1994 and contains contributions which often are about research currently in progress.

Master thesis series
This is the series of master theses produced at the Section for eGovernment Studies between 1996 and 2004.  From 2005, theses are available electronically via DUO.

This ”Christmas book” contains a selection of articles written by the Center’s staff during the year.  The aim of the series is to show the breadth of issues that the Center’s staff is working on.

Newsletter from NRCCL


Other publications


The Section for eGovernment Studies’ Notes Series

Some of the research carried out at the Section for eGovernment Studies is published in the Section’s Notes series.
The notes series is meant to stimulate research connected with the master studies.  The series is open to different forms of expression and ambition levels and is meant to facilitate the distribution of works which otherwise would not be widely accessible.

We consider this series well suited for “research-in-progress”, for example, where researchers in the field of IT and information systems wish to present intermediate results at seminars or where they wish, in some way, to have a dialogue with other technical people as a stage in their research on a particular issue.

Some of these publications are in Norwegian while some are in English, as the title denotes.

Publications in the notes series



Yulex is the name of a series of books which the Norwegian Research Center for Computers and Law publishes every year at Christmas time.  Each book in the series contains a selection of articles written by the Center’s staff during that year.  The series is intended to offer a “computers & law” “Christmas feast” which also shows the wide scope of the research activities of the Center’s staff.

The Yulex series is registered in BIBSYS.  The books are also available here in pdf-format.


  • YULEX 2005 (Chapter 9 is not included, vide paper version)


Other publications

This includes a collection of contributions, commentaries, published and unpublished articles, dissertations, etc. produced at the Section for eGovernment Studies and related centres.  Most of these publications are in Norwegian.


Jens Petter Berg:
- Overvåking av kryptert datakommunikasjon på internettet
From the anthology "Elektronisk handel : rettslige aspekter : Nordisk årbok i rettsinformatikk 1997"

- "Noen merknader til regjeringens framlegg til lover om S-tjenesten og E-tjenesten"
Notes sent to Parliament’s defence committee on 28 May1997

"Ulovlig overvåking siden 1994?"
Originally published as a featured article in Dagbladet 6th Jan 1997

"Enkelte personvern- og rettssikkerhetsproblemstillinger i tilknytning til framleggene til konkurranselov og pristiltakslov"
Notes submitted to Parliament on 26th April 1993. Printed as enclosure 3 in Innst. O nr 127 (1992-93)

"Internasjonalisering av lovgivningsprosessen som utfordring for demokratiet - EØS-avtalens betydning for det konstitusjonelle maktforholdet mellom Stortinget og regjeringen"
Originally published in Kritisk Juss 1994 (21) pages 194-203

"Personvernet ofres i kampen mot økokrim"
Originally published as a commentary in Aftenposten 16th March 1992

"Skattereformen 1992 - en rettspolitisk og rettssosiologisk begivenhet"
Originally published in Kritisk Juss 1992 pages 59-74

Stephen Kabera Karanja:
- Norwegian Border Control in a Europe without Internal Frontiers Implications for data protection and civil liberties 
Report 6th April 1999

Inger Elise Mey:
- Personvern i et elektrisk marked
This is part of the Norwegian Research Center for Computers & Law’s report on legal issues related to the electronic market for Telenor FOU 1996.

Dag Wiese Schartum:
- Helse og IT
Lecture at Uppsala University, 14.10.97

- Personvernrettens inntog ?
Juristkontakt nr 2/97, p. 2

Personvern og pressefrihet

- Hva vil vi egentlig med informasjonsteknologien?
Critique of "Den norske IT-veien, bit for bit", 3rd September 1997

- "Forslaget til ny lov om behandling av personopplysninger"

  1. Et svekket Datatilsyn ?
  2. Bedre innsyn
  3. Bedre tilsyn med overvåkningen

This is a series of articles in 3 parts.

- "Odin - kritikk"
Contribution at a conference on 26th March 1996

"Offentlige Servicekontorer"

- "Kommunikasjonsteknologi: makt og avmakt"
Contribution at the KTK-konferansen, Lysebu 29th April 1996.

- "Den Norske IT-veien"
Contribution during a debate meeting on the report from the Parliamentary secretarial committee for IT, January1996.

- "Den selvbetjente forvaltning."
”Om saksutredning ved behandling av enkeltsaker i masseforvaltningen”, In: Nordisk Administrativt tidsskrift, nr 1/94, s 32-47.

- "Mulige konsekvenser for norsk forvaltning av EFs reviderte utkast til personverndirektiv"
in: Lov og Rett nr 6/94, pages 349-62

Published Dec. 12, 2013 1:47 PM